By 謝忠理 on Tuesday, 24 January 2023
Category: 閱讀

托福閱讀英漢對照 TPO-066 P2—Visions of the Land

托福 TPO-066 閱讀測驗第二篇主題是北美不同時期住民對於土地的對待方式,說明歐洲移民企圖利用人為方式改變土地卻常遭反噬的作為,遠不及原住民所採取的人類與自然和諧相處的土地態度。


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本篇文章共分 4 段,分述北美原住民與歐洲殖民者對於北美土地的不同態度所帶來的不同土地利用方式,藉以強調人類對所居住的環境應改採取的友善共榮看法。


Visions of the Land 對土地的看法

  1. 北美人對土地的不同態度

    Successive generations of North Americans have viewed their continent's natural environment in different ways. From the vantage point of the present it is clear that perceptions of the land have changed dramatically from the first years of settlement to the Civil War. Not only have such visions often shifted, but also different peoples have used their particular perspective to reshape the land itself and make it fit their own sense of what nature should be. If the consequences of some changes, such as cutting forests and filling in lowlands, have been deliberate and purposeful—to open the landscape and create sweeping vistas, for example—other human undertakings, such as mining and dam building, have brought results neither anticipated nor intended. Native peoples, no less than the first colonists and subsequent immigrants to North America, have reshaped the natural environment to meet their physical wants and spiritual needs. Indeed, much of the landscape we know today reflects patterns of use and abuse that began several centuries ago.


  2. 原住民與土地共榮

    Long before the first European settlers reached the continent's eastern shores, native peoples had developed agricultural practices that had changed the face of the land. By cutting away the bark to kill trees selectively, Indians in the Virginia tidewater (low, coastal land) and much of the Northeast had cleared space to plant small gardens of corn, squash, beans, and melons. Although the first English immigrants described the countryside as almost entirely wooded, the forests provided canopies of large, well-spaced trees under which a horse and rider could pass unhindered. By frequently moving their garden plots to find more-fertile soil and by periodically burning the undergrowth, Indians had further opened the land, in this way facilitating their hunting of deer and other game. Native American visions of the landscape not surprisingly featured people living in harmony with nature, whose riches they celebrated in seasonal rituals and through time-honored practices.


  3. 歐洲殖民者的敵視

    In contrast, the European colonists who intruded on this harmonious world often viewed it as alien and menacing; some called it, in the language of the Bible, a “howling wilderness.” The newcomers to America brought with them agricultural practices and preconceptions about nature based on their experiences in England. They saw uncultivated lands as “wastes” that needed to be “broken,” “dressed,” and “improved.” In New England, transplanted English settlers attempted to subdue what they considered a fearsome wilderness by mapping the countryside, draining marshlands, clearing pastures, fencing particular parcels, and planting wheat and other familiar crops. Within twenty years of the initial Puritan settlement, Edward Johnson boasted of the newcomers' achievements: “This remote, rocky, barren, bushy, wild-woody wilderness, a receptacle for lions, wolves, bears, foxes, racoons, beavers, otters, and all kind of wild creatures, a place that never afforded the Natives better than the flesh of a few wild creatures and parched Indian corn inched out with chestnuts and bitter acorns, now through the mercy of Christ [has] become a second England for fertility in so short a space, that it is indeed the wonder of the world.”

    相比之下,闖入這個和諧世界的歐洲殖民者往往將其視為異類和威脅;有些人用《聖經》的語言稱其為「嚎叫的荒野」。來到美國的新移民帶來了基於他們在英國的經驗的農業實踐和對自然的成見。他們認為未開墾的土地是「廢物」,需要「擊碎」、「打扮」和 「改良」。在新英格蘭,移植過來的英國定居者試圖通過繪製鄉村地圖、排乾沼澤地、清理牧場、用柵欄圍住特定的地塊、種植小麥和其他熟悉的作物來征服他們認為可怕的荒野。在清教徒最初定居的 20 年內,愛德華.強森誇耀了新來者的成就。「這片偏遠、多石、貧瘠、灌木叢生、野性十足的荒野,是獅子、狼、熊、狐狸、浣熊、海狸、水獺和各種野生動物的棲息地,這個地方除了一些野生動物的肉和用栗子和苦澀的橡子擠出來的乾癟的印第安玉米外,從未給原住民提供過更好的食物,現在由於基督的憐憫 [已經] 在這麼短的時間內成為第二個肥沃的英格蘭,這確實是世界的奇跡。」

  4. 英國殖民者的態度與轉變

    So, rather than adapting to their new land, the English either changed it by cutting trees, building farms, and plowing or searched for soil and landscape features that reminded them of the English countryside. Seeking to tame the land and to conquer their fear of it. generations of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century settlers nevertheless failed to gain the mastery they desired. In part, this failure resulted from their custom of settling along waterways. To expedite travel and facilitate the shipment of agricultural produce, newcomers invariably built their homes along rivers. Despite the colonists' attempts to control waterways through dams, rivers never failed to remind them of nature's unpredictability and power. Rivers could and often did, change course abruptly or flood during sudden rainstorms. Not until the middle of the eighteenth century did the colonists begin to discard their negative view of the landscape as a wilderness to be feared and controlled, and to substitute the idea that nature could be as much useful as fearsome.

    因此,英國人沒有適應他們的新土地,而是通過砍伐樹木、建造農場和耕作來改變它,或者是尋找能讓他們想起英國鄉村的土壤和景觀特徵。一代又一代的十七和十八世紀的定居者試圖馴服土地並征服他們對土地的恐懼,但卻未能獲得他們想要的控制權。在某種程度上,這種失敗是由於他們沿水路定居的習慣造成的。為了加快旅行和方便農產品的運輸,新住民總是沿著河流建造他們的家園。儘管殖民者試圖通過水壩來控制水路,但河流總是成功提醒他們大自然的不可預測和力量。河流可能而且經常在驟發的暴雨中突然改變河道或氾濫。直到 18 世紀中葉,殖民者才開始摒棄他們認為地景是一片荒野需要恐懼和控制的這種負面看法,而代之以自然界雖然可怕但卻同樣有用的想法。


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