托福 TPO-072 整合寫作討論的是天文觀察人員所觀察到的月球表面一種名為「月球瞬變現象」的特殊情況,並提出企圖說明此一現象如何生成的三種原因。
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Transient lunar phenomena 月球瞬變現象
托福 TPO 072 考題符合托福 iBT 整合寫作的標準格式:在閱讀內容部分,作者提出三種可能用以解釋月球瞬變現象的原因。而在講課內容部分,則對此三項原因一一提出反駁。
整篇難度屬於中等程度。只要能夠掌握整合寫作的聽力技巧、寫作格式、並通曉評分原則,應該能夠拿到至少 25 分。
Reading 閱讀內容
Transient lunar phenomena (TLP) are relatively brief flashes of light that appear to come from the surface of the Moon. Such flashes of light have been observed for centuries by both amateur and professional astronomers, and several theories have been put forward to explain them.
One theory is that TLP are not genuine lunar phenomena, but only random observational errors caused by defects in the telescopes some observers use. Optical instruments such as telescopes or microscopes are complex pieces of machinery; even small flaws in their design can create artificial optical impressions like flashes or other distortions in the visual field. To an observer, a flash of light caused by an instrument error may sometimes look like a real phenomenon taking place in nature.
A second theory is that meteors striking the Moon cause TLP. Because the Moon has no atmosphere, meteors often reach the lunar surface. In fact, meteors strike the Moon every day. According to the meteor theory, when meteors strike the lunar surface, they explode, creating enough heat energy to appear as a flash of light to observers on Earth. When people observe TLP, they are actually observing flashes of light generated by meteor impacts.
A third theory is that TLP are the result of lunar rocks emitting their own light by a process called thermoluminescence. It is known that the Moon does in fact contain certain rocks that are capable of generating light in this way when they are heated by the Sun. This is strong empirical support that TLP are caused by thermoluminescence.
Lecture 講課內容
Now, listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
Unfortunately, none of the theories presented in the reading selection really explain TLP.
First, if TLP observations were caused by random flaws in telescope design, then the reports of the TLP would be pretty random as well. Observers with flawed telescopes would probably report TLP happening at many random places on the moon surface, but that's not what observers have been reported. Most observers report TLP from two very specific locations on the moon surface. Since TLP are so closely associated with specific places on moon, they probably reflect real events happening on the moon, not flaws in telescopes.
Second, about the meteor. The flashes of light that meteor impacts produce usually last just one second, but the average duration of a TLP is 20 minutes. It is true that meteor showers in which many meteors are grouped together can occur on the Moon, so this could cause light flashes of a longer duration. But the vast majority of TLP are not reported during meteor showers. So, while it is possible that a few TLP are caused by meteor impacts, the great majority of TLP certainly have other causes.
Third, could thermoluminescence cause TLP? Certain rocks on the moon do emit their own light. But this light is weaker than the glare of the moon's surface that we usually see when we observe the moon. As you know, we see the moon at night because its surface reflects light from the sun. Now, this reflected light is fairly bright and it is certainly much brighter than thermoluminescence of the moon's rocks. So we would not be able to see the thermoluminescence against this very bright background. It would be like trying to see the light from the candle in front of a powerful spotlight. So thermoluminescence cannot be the source of the observed TLP flashes.
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