托福 TPO-071 整合寫作主題是蘭伯龍頭頂上所具有的大型骨質頭冠,內容主要在探討此特殊頭冠的功能為何。
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The Bony Crests of Lambeosaurs 蘭伯龍的骨質頭冠
托福 TPO 071 考題符合托福 iBT 整合寫作的標準格式:在閱讀內容部分,作者提出三種可能用以解釋蘭伯龍頭冠的功能。而在講課內容部分,則對此三項功能一一提出反駁。
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Reading 閱讀內容
The fossil record shows that members of the group of dinosaurs known as lambeosaurs had large bony crests on top of their heads. The shape of the crests varied from species to species, but all lambeosaur crests contained extended hollow passages. No one really knows exactly what function the crests served, but scientists have offered several theories.
Sense of smell
One theory holds that the primary purpose of the crests was to improve the dinosaurs' sense of smell. Examination of the fossils has suggested that the crests contained many blood vessels. The nose bones of modern animals with a highly developed sense of smell have a similar inner structure characterized by a high density of blood vessels. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the crests were primarily used to enhance the sense of smell.
A second theory maintains that the crests served to prevent overheating by lowering lambeosaurs’ body temperature. The addition of a crest had the effect of increasing the surface area of the lambeosaur’s body, thereby allowing body heat to escape more rapidly. Other warm-climate dinosaurs, stegosaurs for example, also had bony crestlike plates on parts of their body that increased the body surface area. It has long been believed that the bony plates of stegosaurs were adaptations to improve cooling, so it seems likely that the crests of lambeosaurs served the same purpose.
A third possibility is that lambeosaurs used the crests to make sounds, perhaps for communication with other lambeosaurs. It was definitely possible to make low sounds by forcing air through the crests. This theory is supported by a finding suggesting that lambeosaurs had a good sense of hearing. Paleontologists recently discovered remains of a lambeosaur that had a highly developed inner ear. A good sense of hearing would be necessary for animals communicating by sound.
Lecture 講課內容
Now, listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
I think that it's still not clear what the real function of the lambeosaurs crest was. There are serious problems with each of the theories you just read about.
First, the idea that the crests improve the lambeosaurs’ sense of smell is not supported by the structure of lambeosaurs’ brains. In animals with a strong sense of smell, the brain area next to the organ of smell tends to be well developed. That's because the brain area contains a lot of nerves that process the Information from the organ of smell. However, from fossils of lambeosaurs’ skulls, it seems the brain cavity next to the crest was small and underdeveloped. So it hardly seems likely that the crest was used to improve the sense of smell.
Second, the idea that the crests were used to control body temperature. There are important differences between lambeosaurs and stegosaurus. Stegosaurus had many bony plates along their backs. The many bony plates of stegosaurus, when added all together, amounted to a fairly large amount of body surface area. By contrast, lambeosaurs had just one crest, the additional surface area that the crest provided was so small that it would not have provided any real advantage in cooling.
Okay, what about the third idea that the crests were used to communicate by sound? Well, all lambeosaurs species had crests, so if this theory is true then all the lambeosaurs species should have had a good sense of hearing as well. But that's the problem. So far, we've discovered just the one fossil suggesting that one lambeosaurs species had a good sense of hearing. We do not have any evidence of good hearing in any of the other lambeosaurs species. So unless evidence from other lambeosaurs species can be found, we should remain skeptical of this theory.
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