托福 TPO-070 整合寫作主題是油棕櫚樹的栽種,內容主要在探討是否應該倡導增加種植油棕櫚樹。
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The Farming of Oil Palm 油棕櫚的種植
托福 TPO 071 考題符合托福 iBT 整合寫作的標準格式:在閱讀內容部分,作者提出三種理由用以提倡增加種植油棕櫚樹。而在講課內容部分,則對此三項理由一一加以反駁。
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Reading 閱讀內容
Palm oil, a liquid produced by palm trees and used for cooking and other purposes, has become very popular in recent years. As a result, the palm oil industry has had a dramatic impact on the economies and landscapes of countries in which it operates. When asked to make a recommendation about whether expanding palm oil production even more would be good or bad for the environment and the economy, many experts have stated that palm oil production has several positive effects and should be expanded.
First, the experts point out that palm tree farming helps preserve the world’s forests. Palm trees have a very high oil yield – far higher than that of other crops. For this reason, farming palm trees requires less land than farming other crops to produce the same economic value. Since palm tree farms require relatively little land (compared with many other crops), palm tree plantations require the clearing of smaller areas of forest than many other crops would. In other words, palm tree farms cause less deforestation and therefore have a lesser negative impact on the environment than other types of crops.
Second, palm oil is sometimes used to produce biodiesel, a fuel for motor vehicles. Using biodiesel in vehicle engines create fewer carbon emissions than using traditional fossil fuels does. Carbon emissions are known to contribute to climate change. Biodiesel from palm oil, when used as an alternative to fossil fuels, can help reduce this effect.
Third, palm oil production helps reduce poverty among small-scale farmers. About 50 percent to 70 percent of land used for farming in palm-oil-producing countries is actually cleared by small-scale, low-income family farmers. Growing palm trees is usually more profitable for such farmers than growing other crops, and it has in many cases helped improve the farmers’ standard of living.
Lecture 講課內容
Now, listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
Producing palm oil may have some benefits, but it also have some very serious negative effects and should not be expanded.
First, it’s true that palm trees require relatively less land than some other crops. However, that doesn’t mean that palm oil farming is helping us preserve the world’s forests. You see, palm oil has become extremely desirable for use in food and cosmetics products, much more desirable than other vegetable oil. As a result, the worldwide demand for palm oil has grown very fast in recent years. To keep up with the growing demand, farmers have to clear more and more forested land. In just one country an area of forest equivalent to about seven thousand square meters is cleared very minute to make room for the palm trees. In short, the growing demand for palm oil has led to an increased rate of deforestation worldwide.
Second, using palm oil to make biodiesel. It’s true that using biodiesel in vehicle engines produces fewer emissions than using other fuels. However, the processes involved in growing the palms generate a lot of additional carbon emissions. To prepare land for palm tree farming, farmers have to clear the land first. That means that they burn the vegetation that existed on the land before. This includes burning plant material called peat. Peat is a type of material that stores large amounts of carbon. Burning peat creates huge quantities of carbon emissions. If you include the emissions from burning peat, using biodiesel might actually involve more carbon emissions than using fossil fuels.
Third, it’s true that small-scale family farmers clear a lot of land to start palm tree farms. But these small-scale farmers often don’t control the farms for very long. Large-scale farming companies often see a great commercial opportunity in palm growing. So they obtain the land and the farms for themselves and start controlling the profit. The small-scale farmers lose control and often get very little in return.
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