By 經典雅思 on Sunday, 09 June 2024
Category: 雅思

《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A daily routine that you enjoy 喜愛的日常活動

每個人都有自己喜愛的日常活動,這些活動為生活增添了色彩和樂趣。無論是晨跑時的清新空氣、烘焙時的滿室飄香,還是與家人共度的溫馨時光,這些平凡的瞬間都能帶來深深的滿足與幸福感。喜愛的日常活動不僅能紓解壓力,還能提升生活品質,使我們在忙碌的日子裡找到內心的寧靜與快樂。透過這些活動,我們與自我更為貼近,生活也變得更加豐富多彩。雅思口說《當季真經 May-Aug 2024》Part 2 考題便請考生回答關於這個話題的一組 Cue Card 考題。



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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A daily routine that you enjoy 喜愛的日常活動



A daily routine that you enjoy 喜愛的日常活動

《A daily routine that you enjoy 喜愛的日常活動》是《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》May-Aug 2024 中收錄的雅思口說 part 2 考題。問題內容如下:

A daily routine that you enjoy 喜愛的日常活動

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.

You should say:

  • What it is
  • Where and when you do it
  • Who you do it with

and explain why you enjoy it.




May-Aug 2024 版完整收錄真題共 1,980+ 題
p1: 197 類 1130+ 題/p2: 97 題/p3: 97 類 750+ 題

每題均附詳解 + 英漢對照。理解快,吸收快




我最喜歡的日常習慣之一是晨練。每天早上 6 點左右起床,我都會去附近的公園慢跑和做一些伸展運動。公園離家很近,所以我通常一個人去,這樣我就有時間在一天的喧囂開始之前進行自我反省和放鬆。




接著整理出英文回答的參考答案。考慮到一般人的語速大概在每分鐘 130-150 字之間,所以回答內容的總字數控制在 250-300 之間就相當理想

以下內容如果配合正確發音的話,一定可以拿到 Band 7+。

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy



One of my favorite daily routines is my morning exercise routine. Each day, I wake up at around 6:00 AM and head to the nearby park for a jog and some stretching exercises. The park is located just a short walk from my home, so I usually go there alone, which gives me some time for self-reflection and relaxation before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

I start by jogging around the perimeter of the park, enjoying the fresh air and peaceful surroundings. As I jog, I often listen to my favorite music or podcasts, which helps to energize me and set a positive tone for the day ahead. After completing a few laps, I find a quiet spot in the park to do some stretching exercises, focusing on improving my flexibility and relieving any tension in my muscles.

I truly enjoy this morning routine for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps me stay physically fit and healthy, which is important to me. Additionally, the peaceful atmosphere of the park provides a welcome escape from the stresses of daily life, allowing me to start the day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Finally, the sense of accomplishment I feel after completing my morning exercise routine sets a positive tone for the rest of the day, making it easier to tackle whatever challenges come my way.

Overall, my morning exercise routine is a cherished part of my day that I look forward to each morning.

最後的結論段歸納出答案的所有關鍵點,藉以讓考官對回答的內容有更深刻的印象,這樣一定能拿 7+ 的分數。



雅思口說 7+ 必備材料
最新版適用 May-Aug 2024 考試

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