By 經典雅思 on Friday, 21 June 2024
Category: 雅思

《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A difficult task 一項困難的任務

困難的任務往往是成長與突破的契機,挑戰我們的極限,激發潛藏的能力。無論是個人的目標還是團隊的挑戰,每一次迎難而上都是一次寶貴的學習經驗。困難的任務需要勇氣、毅力和智慧,更需要不斷的努力與堅持。通過克服這些困難,我們不僅能收穫成功的喜悅,還能磨練意志,提升自我,為未來的挑戰打下堅實的基礎。雅思口說《當季真經 May-Aug 2024》Part 2 考題便請考生回答關於這個話題的一組 Cue Card 考題。



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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A difficult task 一項困難的任務



A difficult task 一項困難的任務

《A difficult task 一項困難的任務》是《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》May-Aug 2024 中收錄的雅思口說 part 2 考題。問題內容如下:

A difficult task 一項困難的任務

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of.

You should say:

  • what the task was
  • how you completed it
  • why the task was difficult

and explain why you were proud of the completion of the task.




Sep-Dec 2024 版完整收錄真題共 1,970+ 題
p1: 203 類 1150+ 題/p2: 97 題/p3: 97 類 720+ 題

每題均附詳解 + 英漢對照。理解快,吸收快









接著整理出英文回答的參考答案。考慮到一般人的語速大概在每分鐘 130-150 字之間,所以回答內容的總字數控制在 250-300 之間就相當理想

以下內容如果配合正確發音的話,一定可以拿到 Band 7+。

Describe a difficult task that you completed



A challenging task that stands out in my memory is a research project I undertook during my junior year of high school. The assignment involved investigating the impact of climate change on local ecosystems, a topic that required in-depth research and a comprehensive analysis.

Completing this task involved a multi-step process. Initially, I spent considerable time gathering relevant literature, scientific papers, and data sets to understand the intricacies of climate change and its implications on biodiversity. The project demanded not only a solid understanding of scientific principles but also effective data interpretation and communication skills.

The difficulty of the task lay in the complexity of the subject matter and the need to synthesize information from various sources. Analyzing the scientific data and translating it into a coherent and accessible presentation for both my peers and teachers posed a significant challenge. Additionally, the task required a meticulous approach to ensure accuracy in the representation of findings.

I felt a sense of pride upon completing this project for several reasons. Firstly, the complexity of the topic pushed me to expand my knowledge and delve into a field that was relatively unfamiliar.

Secondly, successfully translating scientific concepts into a presentation demonstrated my ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. Lastly, the positive feedback received from my teachers highlighted the impact and relevance of the research.

The project not only broadened my understanding of climate change but also instilled a sense of accomplishment in tackling a demanding task. It reinforced the idea that overcoming challenges leads to personal and intellectual growth. The sense of pride derived from successfully navigating the intricacies of the project has since fueled my confidence in approaching difficult tasks, both academically and professionally.

最後的結論段歸納出答案的所有關鍵點,藉以讓考官對回答的內容有更深刻的印象,這樣一定能拿 7+ 的分數。



雅思口說 7+ 必備材料
最新版適用 Sep-Dec 2024 考試

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