By 經典雅思 on Saturday, 03 August 2024
Category: 雅思

《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A natural place 自然景點

自然景點是地球上未受人類干擾的純淨區域,擁有豐富的生物多樣性和壯麗的自然景觀。這些地方不僅是野生動物的棲息地,還為人類提供了靈感和心靈的庇護所。保護自然景點對於維持生態平衡、減緩氣候變化和保護珍貴物種至關重要。只有通過共同努力,我們才能確保這些珍貴的自然遺產能夠代代相傳。雅思口說《當季真經 May-Aug 2024》Part 2 考題便請考生回答關於這個話題的一組 Cue Card 考題。



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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A natural place 自然景點



A natural place 自然景點

《A natural place 自然景點》是《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》May-Aug 2024 中收錄的雅思口說 part 2 考題。問題內容如下:

A natural place 自然景點

Describe a natural place (e.g. parks, mountains).

You should say:

  • where this place is
  • how you knew this place
  • what it is like

and explain why you like to visit it.




May-Aug 2024 版完整收錄真題共 1,980+ 題
p1: 197 類 1130+ 題/p2: 97 題/p3: 97 類 750+ 題

每題均附詳解 + 英漢對照。理解快,吸收快






陽明山的寧靜和自然美景吸引著我,讓我從喧囂的城市生活中解脫出來。無論我是在鮮花盛開的草地上漫步,還是在天然溫泉中浸泡,抑或是在崎嶇的山路上跋涉,陽明山公園都能 給我帶來寧靜和恢復活力的感覺。此外,公園距離臺北很近, 方便一日遊或週末出遊,讓我無需遠行就能沉浸在大自然中。


接著整理出英文回答的參考答案。考慮到一般人的語速大概在每分鐘 130-150 字之間,所以回答內容的總字數控制在 250-300 之間就相當理想

以下內容如果配合正確發音的話,一定可以拿到 Band 7+。

Describe a natural place



One of my favorite natural places to visit is Yangmingshan National Park, located just outside Taipei in Taiwan. I first learned about this stunning park through friends who recommended it as a must-visit destination for nature lovers.

Yangmingshan is a diverse landscape boasting lush forests, rolling hills, hot springs, and volcanic formations. Its vast network of hiking trails offers breathtaking panoramic views of Taipei City and the surrounding mountains. The park is also home to a variety of flora and fauna, including vibrant cherry blossoms in spring and colorful foliage in autumn.

I am drawn to Yangmingshan for its tranquility and natural beauty, which provide a refreshing escape from the bustling city life. Whether I’m strolling through flower-filled meadows, soaking in a natural hot spring, or trekking along rugged mountain paths, the park offers a sense of serenity and rejuvenation. Additionally, the park’s close proximity to Taipei makes it easily accessible for day trips or weekend getaways, allowing me to immerse myself in nature without having to travel far.

Overall, Yangmingshan National Park holds a special place in my heart as a cherished retreat where I can reconnect with the beauty of the natural world.

最後的結論段歸納出答案的所有關鍵點,藉以讓考官對回答的內容有更深刻的印象,這樣一定能拿 7+ 的分數。



雅思口說 7+ 必備材料
最新版適用 May-Aug 2024 考試

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