私人醫療服務在全球範圍內越來越受歡迎,提供了更靈活、高效且個性化的醫療選擇。這些服務通常擁有先進的設備和更短的等待時間,吸引了希望獲得高質量醫療的患者。然而,私人醫療服務的高成本也引發了關於公平性和可及性的討論。隨著需求的增加,如何在公共和私人醫療服務之間找到平衡,成為各國亟需解決的問題。雅思寫作《全球真經 June 2024》考題便請考生思考私人醫療服務是否利大於弊。
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《雅思寫作全球真經全詳解》分享—Private medical care 私人醫療服務
Private medical care 私人醫療服務
《Private medical care 私人醫療服務》是 June 2024 全球真經中收錄的雅思寫作大作文考題。問題內容如下:
- 考試場地:中國考區
- 考試種類:學術考試
- 考試時間:2024/06/01
Some people think that good health is a basic human right, and that medical services should not be run by profit-making companies.
Do you think the advantages of private medical care outweigh the disadvantages?有人認為健康是基本人權,醫療服務不應由營利性公司經營。
◆ Nov 2024 已發行 ■ Dec 2024 早鳥優惠中
全球寫作真題完整收錄,每月 35-45 題
每月 15 日發行最新版,適用於近期考試
用《寫作真經全詳解》準備雅思,寫作 7 分易如反掌
私人醫療的隱憂Moreover, the profit motive in healthcare can lead to ethical concerns and compromised patient care. Private healthcare providers may prioritize lucrative treatments and services over essential but less profitable ones. This focus on profitability can result in the over-treatment of patients, where unnecessary tests and procedures are conducted to maximize revenue, or under-treatment, where cost-cutting measures affect the quality of care provided. Additionally, the administrative overhead in private healthcare systems, including the complexities of insurance processing and billing, can divert resources away from patient care. In contrast, publicly funded healthcare systems can focus on patient welfare without the pressure of generating profits. Furthermore, the presence of profit-making companies in healthcare can lead to significant disparities in health outcomes between different socioeconomic groups. Studies have shown that in countries with privatized healthcare, there is a strong correlation between income levels and health status. Wealthier individuals can afford comprehensive insurance and high-quality medical services, while those with lower incomes face barriers to access and poorer health outcomes. This disparity is less pronounced in countries with universal healthcare systems, where the goal is to provide equitable healthcare for all citizens.
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按月發行 最新 Dec 2024 版 '05/01/15 發行