好客的人以其真誠的態度和溫暖的心,讓每位來訪者感受到如同家一般的舒適與安心。他們總是用微笑迎接客人,並以周到的安排讓賓客感到受重視。這種人具有強烈的同理心,懂得如何照顧他人的需求,並樂於分享自己的時間和空間。好客不僅是一種美德,更是促進人際關係和諧、增強社交聯繫的重要品質。雅思口說《當季真經 May-Aug 2024》Part 2 考題便請考生回答關於這個話題的一組 Cue Card 考題。



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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A hospitable person 好客的人



A hospitable person 好客的人

《A hospitable person 好客的人》是《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》May-Aug 2024 中收錄的雅思口說 part 2 考題。問題內容如下:

A hospitable person 好客的人

Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home.

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • how you knew him/her
  • how he/she makes you feel welcome

and explain how you feel about this person.




May-Aug 2024 版完整收錄真題共 1,980+ 題
p1: 197 類 1130+ 題/p2: 97 題/p3: 97 類 750+ 題

每題均附詳解 + 英漢對照。理解快,吸收快




我的阿姨琳達就是這樣一個人,她能毫不費力地讓每個人都感覺到自己在家裡是受歡迎的。我從小就認識她,每當我們 在她家舉行家庭活動時,她的熱情好客總是讓人印象深刻。





接著整理出英文回答的參考答案。考慮到一般人的語速大概在每分鐘 130-150 字之間,所以回答內容的總字數控制在 250-300 之間就相當理想

以下內容如果配合正確發音的話,一定可以拿到 Band 7+。

Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home



A person who effortlessly makes everyone feel welcome in their home is my aunt, Aunt Linda. I’ve known her since childhood, and her warm hospitality has always stood out whenever we gather at her house for family events.

Aunt Linda has a natural gift for creating a welcoming atmosphere. From the moment you step through her front door, she greets you with a genuine smile and a heartfelt embrace. The scent of home-cooked meals wafts through the air, instantly making you feel like you’re entering a haven of comfort and warmth.

What sets Aunt Linda apart is her attention to detail. She takes the time to ensure everyone’s preferences are considered, from dietary restrictions to personal interests. She engages in thoughtful conversations, showing a genuine interest in each guest. Whether it’s preparing a favorite dish or arranging cozy corners with pillows and blankets, every element of her hospitality is tailored to make people feel at home.

Being in Aunt Linda’s home is more than just a physical presence; it’s an experience of feeling valued and embraced. The ambiance she creates fosters a sense of belonging, and her welcoming demeanor encourages everyone to relax and enjoy the time spent together.

Personally, I hold Aunt Linda in high regard not just for her culinary skills and hospitality but for the way she makes family gatherings memorable. Her ability to make everyone feel cherished and at ease is truly admirable, and it instills a sense of gratitude for the warmth she brings to our family events.

最後的結論段歸納出答案的所有關鍵點,藉以讓考官對回答的內容有更深刻的印象,這樣一定能拿 7+ 的分數。



雅思口說 7+ 必備材料
最新版適用 May-Aug 2024 考試