By 經典雅思 on Saturday, 14 September 2024
Category: 雅思

《雅思寫作全球真經全詳解》分享—Urbanization of the labor force 勞動人口都市化

勞動人口都市化是現代經濟發展中的重要趨勢,許多農村地區的勞動者為了追求更好的就業機會與生活條件,遷移到城市工作。這種現象促進了城市經濟的快速發展,增加了勞動力供應,但也帶來了城市擁擠、房價上漲及基礎設施壓力等問題。此外,農村地區可能因勞動力外流面臨經濟停滯和人口老化等挑戰,亟需政策調控來平衡區域發展。雅思寫作《全球真經 July 2024》考題便請考生思考勞動人口都市化的影響以及解決之道。


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《雅思寫作全球真經全詳解》分享—Urbanization of the labor force 勞動人口都市化



Urbanization of the labor force 勞動人口都市化

《Urbanization of the labor force 勞動人口都市化》是 July 2024 全球真經中收錄的雅思寫作大作文考題。問題內容如下:

  • 考試場地:英國考區
  • 考試種類:學術考試
  • 考試時間:2024/07/XX

More and more people are moving away from agricultural background to relocate to cities in order to look for work.
What will be the consequences of this? What solutions can you offer?




◆ Jul 2024 已發行 ■ Aug 2024 早鳥優惠中

全球寫作真題完整收錄,每月 35-45 題
每月 15 日發行最新版,適用於近期考試


用《寫作真經全詳解》準備雅思,寫作 7 分易如反掌




  1. 主文第三段:解決之道

    要應對這些挑戰,需要從多方面入手。首先,政府應重點發展小城鎮,打造替代性經濟成長中心,減輕主要城市中心的壓力。中國的「城鎮化」戰略旨在到 2025 年將約 1000 個小城鎮發展成為城市,就是這種方法的一個範例。其次,投資農村基礎設施和服務,包括教育、醫療保健和網際網路連接,有助於縮小城鄉差距,使農村地區對年輕人更具吸引力。印度的「數位 印度」計畫旨在改善農村地區的數位基礎設施,在這方面可以發 揮至關重要的作用。此外,通過有針對性的政策和財政激勵措施促進農業企業和農村創業,可以為當地創造就業機會,阻止人口外流。例如,越南成功的農村發展計畫幫助實現了農村經濟的多樣化,提高了生活水準,減少了向城市移民的壓力。最後,城市規劃必須優先考慮永續發展,重點是創造經濟適用房、高效的公共交通系統和綠地,以容納不斷增長的人口,同時保持生活品質。


    To address these challenges, a multi-faceted approach is required. Firstly, governments should focus on developing smaller cities and towns to create alternative centers of economic growth, reducing the pressure on major urban hubs. China’s “townization” strategy, which aims to develop around 1,000 small towns into cities by 2025, serves as an example of this approach. Secondly, investing in rural infrastructure and services, including education, healthcare, and internet connectivity, can help bridge the urban-rural divide and make rural areas more attractive for young people. Programs like India’s Digital India initiative, which aims to improve digital infrastructure in rural areas, can play a crucial role in this regard. Additionally, promoting agribusiness and rural entrepreneurship through targeted policies and financial incentives can create local job opportunities and stem the tide of outmigration. For instance, Vietnam’s successful rural development programs have helped diversify rural economies and improve living standards, reducing the pressure to migrate to cities. Finally, urban planning must prioritize sustainable development, focusing on creating affordable housing, efficient public transportation systems, and green spaces to accommodate growing populations while maintaining quality of life.



雅思寫作 7+ 必備材料
按月發行 最新 Aug 2024 版 9/15 發行

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