By 經典雅思 on Wednesday, 09 October 2024
Category: 雅思

《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A difficult challenge 困難的挑戰

困難的挑戰往往是我們成長和突破的最佳機會。無論是在學業、職場,還是生活中,這些挑戰考驗著我們的耐心、毅力和解決問題的能力。面對困難時,勇敢接受並積極尋找解決方案,不僅能提高自身的能力,還能讓我們變得更加堅強與成熟。每一次挑戰背後,都蘊含著成長的機會,克服困難的過程會讓我們更接近目標,並充滿自信迎接未來。雅思口說《當季真經 Sep-Dec 2024》Part 2 考題便請考生回答關於這個話題的一組 Cue Card 考題。



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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 2—A difficult challenge 困難的挑戰



A difficult challenge 困難的挑戰

《A difficult challenge 困難的挑戰》是《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》Sep-Dec 2024 中收錄的雅思口說 part 2 考題。問題內容如下:

A difficult challenge 困難的挑戰

Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult.

You should say:

  • what it was
  • when and where you faced it
  • why you thought it was a difficult challenge

and explain how you felt at the time.




Sep-Dec 2024 版完整收錄真題共 1,970+ 題
p1: 203 類 1150+ 題/p2: 97 題/p3: 97 類 720+ 題

每題均附詳解 + 英漢對照。理解快,吸收快




我面臨的一個相當困難的挑戰發生在我開始學習物理的高 中一年級。我以前從未接觸過如此複雜的學科,我發現要理解 其中的概念非常困難。無論我怎麼學習,那些公式和理論對我 來說就是沒有意義。每次翻開課本,我都有一種碰壁的感覺。

我在高中第一學期的課堂上就遇到過這樣的挑戰。我記得自己坐在教室裡,周圍的同學似乎馬上就明白了一切,而我卻在苦苦追趕。不只是在課堂上,我在家裡也會花幾個小時嘗試解決問題,但我還是無法理解。物理就像一門完全不同的語言, 我不知道該怎麼說。

我認為這是一項艱巨的挑戰,因為它不僅僅是記憶事實。 物理要求我進行邏輯思考,並將公式應用到不同的情況中,我 覺得這很難。它不像其他科目那樣,我只需要讀一讀,馬上就 能理解。這讓我感到沮喪和不知所措,我越是努力,就越覺得 不可能。

當時,我感到灰心喪氣,擔心自己無法進步。我甚至開始 懷疑自己在其他科目上的能力。不過,在與老師交流並得到同 學的幫助後,我學會了將問題分解成更小的步驟。慢慢地,我 開始更佳地理解教材。回想起來,這是一個艱難的挑戰,但它 讓我懂得了堅持和在需要時尋求說明的價值。

接著整理出英文回答的參考答案。考慮到一般人的語速大概在每分鐘 130-150 字之間,所以回答內容的總字數控制在 250-300 之間就相當理想

以下內容如果配合正確發音的話,一定可以拿到 Band 7+。

Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult



One challenge I faced that was rather difficult happened during my first year of high school when I started studying physics. I had never encountered such a complex subject before, and I found it extremely hard to understand the concepts. No matter how much I studied, the formulas and theories just didn’t make sense to me. It felt like I was hitting a wall every time I opened my textbook.

I faced this challenge during my first semester of high school, right in the classroom. I remember sitting there, surrounded by classmates who seemed to understand everything right away, while I struggled to keep up. It wasn’t just in class—I would spend hours at home trying to solve problems, but I still couldn’t get it. Physics was like a completely different language, and I didn’t know how to speak it.

I thought it was a difficult challenge because it wasn’t just about memorizing facts. Physics required me to think logically and apply formulas to different situations, which I found very hard. It wasn’t something I could just read and understand right away, like other subjects. This made me feel frustrated and overwhelmed, and the harder I tried, the more impossible it seemed.

At the time, I felt discouraged and worried that I wouldn’t be able to improve. I even started to doubt my abilities in other subjects.

However, after talking to my teacher and getting help from classmates, I learned to break down the problems into smaller steps. Slowly, I began to understand the material better. Looking back, it was a tough challenge, but it taught me the value of persistence and asking for help when I needed it.

最後的結論段歸納出答案的所有關鍵點,藉以讓考官對回答的內容有更深刻的印象,這樣一定能拿 7+ 的分數。



雅思口說 7+ 必備材料
最新版適用 Sep-Dec 2024 考試

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