By 經典雅思 on Saturday, 23 November 2024
Category: 雅思

《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 3—A person who has chosen a career in the medical field 選擇從事醫療領域工作的人

醫療領域的工作承載著救死扶傷的使命與責任,展現了人性中最崇高的關懷與奉獻精神。醫護人員用專業知識與耐心,為患者帶來健康的希望與心靈的慰藉。在這個領域中,每一個細節都關乎生命,每一次努力都可能改寫命運。無論是日夜堅守還是持續學習,他們的付出不僅支撐了醫療體系,更成為社會溫暖與力量的重要來源。雅思口說《當季真經 Sep-Dec 2024》Part 3 的後續延伸考題便請考生回答關於這個話題的一些常見問題。



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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享 Part 3—A person who has chosen a career in the medical field 選擇從事醫療領域工作的人



A person who has chosen a career in the medical field 選擇從事醫療領域工作的人

《A person who has chosen a career in the medical field 選擇從事醫療領域工作的人》是《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》Sep-Dec 2024 中收錄的雅思口說 part 3 延伸 part 2 cue card 的考題。問題內容如下(節錄):

  1. Can a hospital function effectively without nurses?

  2. What are the differences between the work of a doctor and a nurse?

  3. Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?

  4. Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?




Sep-Dec 2024 版完整收錄真題共 1,970+ 題
p1: 203 類 1150+ 題/p2: 97 題/p3: 97 類 720+ 題

每題均附詳解 + 英漢對照。理解快,吸收快


  1. Can a hospital function effectively without nurses?




    No way, a hospital can’t function effectively without nurses. They’re like the backbone of healthcare. For example, when my grandma was in the hospital last year, it was the nurses who were always there, checking on her, giving her medicine, and making sure she was comfortable. Doctors came by for short visits, but nurses were there 24/7. Without nurses, patients wouldn’t get the constant care they need. They do so much more than just follow doctors’ orders—they’re the ones who really keep the hospital running smoothly.

  2. What are the differences between the work of a doctor and a nurse?


    主要區別在於,醫生負責診斷和開處方,而護士則提供更多的實際護理。例如,我的朋友摔斷了胳膊,醫生為他做了檢查,開了X 光片,並決定了治療方案。但正是護士為他準備了X 光片,幫助他打上石膏,並教他如何在家護理。醫生通常專注于具體的醫療問題,而護士通常負責病人的整體護理,包括檢查生命體征、給藥和幫助病人進行日常活動等。兩者都很重要,但作用卻截然不同。


    The main difference is that doctors diagnose and prescribe treatment, while nurses provide more hands-on care. For instance, when my friend broke his arm, the doctor examined him, ordered X-rays, and decided on the treatment plan. But it was the nurses who set up the X-ray, helped put on the cast, and taught him how to take care of it at home. Doctors usually focus on specific medical issues, while nurses often handle overall patient care, including things like checking vital signs, administering medication, and helping patients with daily activities. Both are crucial, but their roles are quite different.

  3. Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?




    Absolutely! Learning first aid skills is super important. You never know when you might need to help someone in an emergency. For example, last year at our school sports day, a kid fell and cut his knee pretty badly. Because I had learned some basic first aid, I knew how to clean the wound and apply pressure to stop the bleeding until the school nurse arrived. It’s not just about big emergencies either—even knowing how to treat a minor burn or what to do if someone’s choking can make a huge difference. These skills can literally save lives.

  4. Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?




    Honestly, I think doctors and nurses deserve to be paid more, especially after seeing how hard they work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers in Taiwan were putting in crazy long hours and risking their own health to take care of patients. My cousin, who’s a nurse, was working 12-hour shifts, sometimes 6 days a week. It’s not just about the time though—the stress and responsibility they have is huge. They’re dealing with people’s lives every day. While they do make a decent living, I think their pay should reflect the incredible importance and difficulty of their work.



雅思口說 7+ 必備材料
最新版適用 Sep-Dec 2024 考試

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