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雅思學術寫作小作文,亦即圖表寫作,具有非常固定的出題方式。此處推薦的雅思小作文寫作 5 步驟,可以用於規劃和撰寫一篇優秀的雅思學術寫作柱狀圖小作文。

  • 分析問題
  • 確定圖表主要特點
  • 撰寫導論 (introduction)
  • 撰寫概論 (general overview)
  • 撰寫細節段落


規劃過程的步驟 1 和步驟 2 需要大約 5 分鐘。至關重要的是,不要省這 5 分鐘而漏了做好規劃,因為優秀清晰的規畫是寫出高分文章的關鍵。


小作文 4 部分文章結構

對於所有雅思學術寫作小作文,幾乎都可以使用相同的基本結構。理想情況下,小作文應該有 4 段

  • 第一段:導論 (introduction)
  • 第二段:概論 (general overview)
  • 第三段:主要特點細節段落一
  • 第四段:主要特點細節段落二

考生可以用這個架構作為所有雅思學術小作文的常規結構。最後提醒考生,官方規定小作文需要寫 150 個字。可以多一些,到大概 200 字上下。

過多的字數並不一定會得到考官的青睞而拿下更好的分數。畢竟字數太多,對於評分項目Task Achievement來說,好像代表了考生沒能掌握到寫作的要求。




The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

bar waste collection

第 1 步—分析問題


The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


  • 圖形的簡要描述(第一句)
  • 寫作指令(第二句)
  • 圖形,表格,或其他圖表等

其中第 2 個句子告訴考生必須做什麼。考生必須做下列 3 件事:

  • 選擇主要特點
  • 撰寫主要特點
  • 比較主要特點

所有三項任務都提到圖形的「主要特點 (main features)」。考生不必鉅細靡遺寫出所有的一切。只需挑選出 2 或 3 個關鍵特點,這樣就有非常多內容可以寫作。


因此,對於這個問題,考生需要確定 2011 年至 2015 年四類廢棄物回收的數量及主要趨勢 (即總體發展或局部變化)。


bar age breakdown bar graph Austria

第 2 步—確定圖形主要特點






  1. 圖形中兩軸提供什麼資訊?
  2. 是動態的還是靜態的?
  3. 測量單位是什麼?
  4. 從標題和標籤中能看到什麼?
  5. 時間區段是什麼?
  6. 最明顯的趨勢是什麼?
  7. 最明顯的相似或相異之處是什麼?



bar waste collection

本課示範的雅思小作文柱狀圖有 3 個主要特點或趨勢:

  • 主要特點 1:每年回收的廢棄物分布模式相差不大,波動很小。
  • 主要特點 2:紙張回收幾乎每年都占最大宗。
  • 主要特點 3:花園廢棄物的回收則都占最小部分,但是波動很大。


小作文在時間分配上,最好控制在 20 分鐘之內,同時由於要求只要 150 字即可,所以無法包含過多的詳細資訊。

現在要準備開始撰寫論文。以下是即將要使用的 4 部分結構的提示。

  • 第一段:導論 (introduction)
  • 第二段:概論 (general overview)
  • 第三段:主要特點細節段落一
  • 第四段:主要特點細節段落二

第 3 步—撰寫導論



The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015.

導論 ( 1 )

Introduction (Paragraph 1): 

The bar chart illustrates how much rubbish of four categories was collected by a recycling centre over five consecutive years, starting in 2011.


理想情況下,關鍵詞如 shows和 waste 應該被同義詞所取代,但是如果沒有任何明顯的詞可以代替的話,也可以重複使用。


第 4 步—撰寫概論



  • 主要特點 1:每年回收的廢棄物分布模式相差不大,波動很小。
  • 主要特點 2:紙張回收幾乎每年都占最大宗。
  • 主要特點 3:花園廢棄物的回收則都占最小部分,但是波動很大。

現在把這些想法形成兩三個句子,字數總共大約 40 個字。盡可能使用同義詞說明資訊。不需要複雜的詞彙或語法結構,只需要適當的單詞和正確的動詞時態。


Overview (Paragraph 2): 

It is clear that the total amount of waste collected each year followed similar pattern and only fluctuated slightly. Additionally, while waste paper was the most collected type of recyclable waste, the opposite was true for garden waste during the period.

第 5 步—撰寫主要特點細節段落一

雅思柱狀圖文章的第 3 和第 4 段是有關圖形中數據的更多詳細資訊。在第 3 段中,考生應該提供證據來支持第二段中所提出來的前 1 或 2 個關鍵特點。當內容相關時,不要忘記進行比較

以下是挑選出來的第 1 個主要特點:

  • 主要特點 1:每年回收的廢棄物趨勢相差不大,波動很小。


Paragraph 3:

In 2011, paper was the most collected type of waste, at just under 60 tons, while about 50 tons of glass was collected. Meanwhile, there was approximately 35 tons of discarded tin collected, and 32 tons of plastic waste. The recycling amounts of the four kinds of waste were of the same order in nearly every following year except in 2013, in which glass overtook paper to be the most recycled material that year.

第 6 步—撰寫主要特點細節段落二

對於第四個,也通常是最後一段,考生應該對剩餘的主要特點進行相同的步驟。針對例示題目,還有第 2, 3 兩個主要特點要寫。

  • 主要特點 2:紙張回收幾乎每年都占最大宗。
  • 主要特點 3:花園廢棄物的回收則都占最小部分,但是波動很大。


Paragraph 4:

The amount of collected waste paper hit the lowest point of approximately 40 tons in 2013 before rising to over 70 tons in 2015, which was the highest figure for all observed years. On the other hand, the amount of garden waste underwent a relative large fluctuation during the period, with value ranging from 15 to 35 tons a year. Meanwhile, the figures for the other two types of waste witnessed a mild change throughout the period, with 52 tons of glass and 39 tons of tin being collected in the last year.



The bar chart illustrates how much rubbish of four categories was collected by a recycling centre over five consecutive years, starting in 2011.

It is clear that the total amount of waste collected each year followed similar pattern and only fluctuated slightly. Additionally, while waste paper was the most collected type of recyclable waste, the opposite was true for garden waste during the period.

In 2011, paper was the most collected type of waste, at just under 60 tons, while about 50 tons of glass was collected. Meanwhile, there was approximately 35 tons of discarded tin collected, and 32 tons of plastic waste. The recycling amounts of the four kinds of waste were of the same order in nearly every following year except in 2013, in which glass overtook paper to be the most recycled material that year.

The amount of collected waste paper hit the lowest point of approximately 40 tons in 2013 before rising to over 70 tons in 2015, which was the highest figure for all observed years. On the other hand, the amount of garden waste underwent a relatively large fluctuation during the period, with value ranging from 15 to 35 tons a year. Meanwhile, the figures for the other two types of waste witnessed a mild change throughout the period, with 52 tons of glass and 39 tons of tin being collected in the last year. (231 words)




剛開始練習可能速度很慢,但是只要掌握到訣竅,繼續練習,不久之後,就能具備能夠在 20 分鐘左右規畫並完成撰寫一篇完整小作文的能力。


目  錄
