Classic English Curio
Walk the walk 到處走走?
Talk the talk and walk the walk
人們問我關於廚師在 21 世紀的角色,加布里埃拉就是最好的答案。她在餐館裡凡事以身作則,總將社會正義放在第一位,為那些聲音常被淹沒的的人發聲。她劍及履及。
People ask me about the role of chefs in the 21st century, and I would look no further than Gabriela for the answer. She leads from the front at her restaurants, putting social justice first and advocating for those whose voices are too often marginalized. She walks the walk.
- to look no further than (XYZ) for the answer
認為 (XYZ) 就是最好的答案 - to lead from the front
凡事以身作則 - to advocate for those whose voices are too often marginalized
為弱勢族群仗義執言 - walk the walk

Walk the walk 比較偏向口語用法,但是在各媒體當中還是可以看到出現在報導的文字裡。意思就是「說到做到」,“to back up one's words with equivalent actions” 通常用在 “talk the talk and walk the walk” 「說到做到」這樣的用法中。
Many people talk the talk but don't walk the walk. This means they talk a lot about doing something but don't actually do it.
To talk the talk 意思是開出空頭支票,誇下海口卻沒有真的做到,也就是打嘴砲,光說不練。To walk the walk 就是說到做到。許多人都是 talk the talk but don't walk the walk,意思是他們說一套、做一套。
Rather than walk the walk after talking the talk, he balked and balked.
But the time has come for Mr Coleman to prove that he can walk the walk to the same level as he can talk the talk.
After years of talking the talk it's time to see who can walk the walk.
Chelsea talks a big game, but she can back it up too—she definitely talks the talk and walks the walk.
Chelsea 談到個遠大的目標,不過她倒是能言行一致--她肯定說到做到。
We're at this meeting because we're environmentalists who walk the walk.
在包含雅思、托福、GRE以及學測、指考等寫作考試或是工作使用上,walk the walk 可以用在鼓勵大家採取行動,要坐而言,也要起而行:
I agree with the proposal that Taiwan must raise its English standards if it wants to call itself an international business hub. We have talked the talk but this time we should not lose a golden opportunity to walk the walk.
|本文取材自第 756 期
About the author
化工博士卻因強烈興趣而投身英語教學,累積超過 30 年的經驗,謝忠理以理工思維突破英語教學迷思,研發專門針對華人的教學方法,自成體系,主攻字彙、文法、閱讀、寫作。教學科目涵蓋 GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, ACT 及實力養成課程,強調實力與分數並進。上課認真嚴肅,下課和藹可親,思緒周密,喜論理,如其名。