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托福閱讀英漢對照 072 P3—Cities and Kingdoms in Alexander's Empire


托福 072 閱讀測驗第三篇屬於歷史學領域,內容整理亞歷山大帝國內新建立王國的結構組成以及其中的城市與古希臘城邦之間的重大差異。


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本篇文章共分 6 段,從亞歷山大帝國中君主制王國的成立,延伸到城市的興起,以及這些城市無法複製古希臘城邦的理想,因而引發嚴重政治問題的過程,仔細說其中的差異與結果。


Cities and Kingdoms in Alexander's Empire 亞歷山大帝國的城市和王國

  1. 君主制王國與統治者崇拜

    As Alexander the Great spread his empire (the Hellenistic empire) from Macedon and Greece over a large swath of southwestern Asia and northern Africa, he established a number of Kingdoms that became subjects of the empire. One of the major developments of these new kingdoms was the resurgence of monarchy, which had many repercussions. For most Greeks, monarchs were something out of the heroic past, something found in Homer's mythical epic the Iliad but not in daily life. Furthermore, most Hellenistic kingdoms embraced numerous different peoples who had little in common. Hellenistic kings thus needed a new political concept to unite them. One solution was the creation of a ruler cult that linked the king’s authority with that of the gods. Thus, royal power had divine approval and was meant to create a political and religious bond between the kings and their subjects. These deified kings were not considered gods as mighty as Zeus or Apollo, and the new ruler cults probably made little religious impact on those ruled. Nonetheless, the ruler cult was an easily understandable symbol of unity within the kingdom.


  2. 君主制的結構

    Monarchy also included royal women, who began to play an active part in political and diplomatic life. Some of them did so in their own right, others in collaboration with their husbands. For the most part they served as examples that women too were capable of shouldering vast responsibilities and performing them successfully. Although Alexander’s generals created huge kingdoms, the concept of monarchy, even when combined with the ruler cult, never replaced the ideal of the polis (the ancient Greek city-state).

    君主制也包括皇室女性,她們開始在政治和外交生活中發揮積極作用。她們中的一些人是以自己的名義行事,另一些人則是與她們的丈夫合作。在大多數情況下,她們是婦女有能力承擔巨大責任並成功履行這些責任的典範。雖然亞歷山大的將領們創造出龐大的王國,但君主制的概念,即使與統治者崇拜相結合,也從未取代過 polis(古希臘城邦)的理想。

  3. 城市建立以吸引移民

    Consequently, the monarchies never won the deep emotional loyalty that Greeks had once felt for the polis. Hellenistic kings needed large numbers of Greeks to run their kingdoms. Otherwise royal business would grind to a halt, and the conquerors would soon be swallowed up by the far more numerous conquered population. Obviously, then, the kings had to encourage Greeks to immigrate and build new homes. The Hellenistic kings thus confronted the problem of making life in the new monarchies resemble the traditional Greek way of life. Since Greek civilization was urban, the kings continued Alexander’s policy of establishing cities throughout their kingdoms in order to entice Greeks to immigrate. Yet the creation of these cities posed a serious political problem that the Hellenistic kings failed to solve.


  4. 城市無法成為城邦

    To the Greeks, civilized life was unthinkable without the polis, which was far more than a mere city. The Greek polis was by definition autonomous state run by its citizens, free of any outside power or restraint. Hellenistic kings, however, refused to grant sovereignty to their cities. In effect, these kings willingly built cities but refused to build a polis.


  5. 城市無外交與治理實權

    Hellenistic monarchs gave their cities all the external trappings of a polis. Each had an assembly of citizens, a council to prepare legislation, and a board of magistrates to conduct the city’s political business. Yet, however similar to the Greek polis they appeared, these cities could not engage in diplomatic dealings, make treaties, pursue their own foreign policy, or wage their own wars. None could govern its own affairs without interference from the king, who, even if he stood in the background, was the real sovereign. In the eyes of the king, the cities were important parts of the kingdom, but the welfare of the whole kingdom came first. The cities had to follow royal orders, and the king often placed his own officials in the cities to see that his decrees were followed.


  6. 城市居民不平等

    A new Hellenistic city differed from a Greek polis in other ways as well. The Greek polis had enjoyed political and social unity even though it was normally composed of citizens, non-citizens and resident aliens. The polis had one body of law and one set of customs. In the Hellenistic city, Greeks represented an elite citizen class. Natives and non-Greek foreigners who lived in Hellenistic cities usually possessed lesser rights than Greeks and often had their own laws. In some instances this disparity spurred natives to assimilate Greek culture in order to rise politically and socially. The Hellenistic city was not homogeneous and could not spark the intensity of feeling that marked the polis.



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