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托福閱讀英漢對照 070 P3—Functionalism


托福 070 閱讀測驗第三篇講述社會科學中兩套主要的功能主義理論,從其理論架構、應用實例、到兩套理論各自需要補強之處一一分析說明。


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本篇文章共分 6 段,針對社會學中的功能主義,說明兩套主要學說,其適切的應用例子,以及兩者分別的未竟之處。


Functionalism 功能主義

  1. 功能主義是什麼?

    In biology, different parts of an organism may be described by their functions or the parts they play in maintaining the life of the whole organism. Functionalism in social science similarly looks for the role (function) some aspect of culture or social life plays in maintaining a system. Two quite different schools of functionalism arose in conjunction with two British anthropologists – Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) and A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (1881-1955).

    在生物學中,一個有機體的不同部分可以用它們的功能或它們在維持整個有機體的生命中所扮演的角色來描述。社會科學中的功能主義也同樣在尋找文化或社會生活的某些方面在維持一個系統中所扮演的角色(功能)。兩個完全不同的功能主義流派是在兩位英國人類學家—布羅尼斯瓦夫.馬林諾夫斯基 (1884-1942) 和A.R.拉德克利夫.布朗 (1881-1955) 的合作下產生的。

  2. 馬林諾夫斯基版本

    Malinowski’s version of functionalism assumes that all cultural traits serve the needs of individuals in a society – that the function of a cultural trait is its ability to satisfy some basic or derived need of the members of the group. The basic needs include nutrition reproduction, bodily comfort, safety, relaxation movement, and growth. Some aspects of the culture satisfy these basic needs. In doing so, they give rise to derived needs that must also be satisfied. For example, cultural traits that satisfy the basic need for food give rise to the secondary or derived need for cooperation in food collection or production. Societies will in turn develop forms of political organization and social control that guarantee the required cooperation. How did Malinowski explain such things as religion and magic? He suggested that since humans always live with a certain amount of uncertainty and anxiety, they need stability and continuity. Religion and magic are functional in that they serve those needs.


  3. 拉德克利夫布朗版本

    Unlike Malinowski, Radcliffe-Brown felt that the various aspects of social behavior maintain a society’s social structure rather than satisfying individual needs. By social structure he meant the total network of existing social relationships in a society. Since Radcliffe-Brown’s version of functionalism emphasized the social structure as the system to be maintained through the development of supporting rules, practices, and customs, the term “structural functionalism” is often used to describe his approach.


  4. 結構功能主義的例子

    An example of Radcliffe-Brown’s structural-functionalist approach is his analysis of the ways in which different societies deal with the tensions that are likely to develop among people related through marriage. To reduce potential tension between in-laws, he suggested societies do one of two things. They may develop strict rules forbidding the persons involved ever to interact face to face (as do the Navajos, for example, in requiring a man to avoid his mother-in-law) or they may allow mutual disrespect and teasing between the in-laws. Radcliffe-Brown suggested that avoidance is likely to occur between in-laws of different generations, whereas disrespectful teasing is likely between in-laws of the same generation. Both avoidance and teasing he suggested, are ways to avoid real conflict and help maintain the social structure.


  5. 馬林諾夫斯基理論的問題

    The major objection to Malinowski’s functionalism is that it cannot readily account for cultural variation. Most of the needs he identified –such as the need for food – are universal, all societies must deal with them if they are to survive. Thus, while the functionalist approach may tell us why all societies engage in food getting, it cannot tell why different societies have different food-getting practices. In other words, functionalism does not explain why certain specific cultural patterns arise to fulfill a need that might be fulfilled just as easily by any of a number of alternative possibilities.


  6. 結構功能主義的問題

    A major problem of the structural-functionalist approach is that it is difficult to determine whether a particular custom is in fact functional in the sense of contributing to the maintenance of the social system. In biology the contribution an organ makes to the health or life of an animal can be assessed by removing it. But we cannot subtract a cultural trait from a society to see if the trait really does contribute to the maintenance of the group. It is conceivable that certain customs within the society may be neutral or even detrimental to its maintenance. We cannot assume that all of a society’s customs are functional merely because the society is functioning at the moment. And even if we are able to assess whether a particular custom is functional, this theoretical orientation fails to deal with the question of why a particular society chooses to meet its structural needs in a particular way. A given problem does not necessarily have only one solution. We still must explain why one of the possible solutions is chosen.



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