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托福閱讀英漢對照 067 P3—Taxonomy of Organisms


托福 067 閱讀測驗第三篇討論對象是生物分類學,主要內容在說明生物分類的困難之處與此科學領域不斷更新的分類原則與其背後的推動因素。


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本篇文章共分 6 段,針對生物的分類學所面對到的基本問題進行分析與說明,並指出生物分類的困難之處與未來可能進行的不斷修正。


Taxonomy of Organisms 生物分類學

  1. 分類學中的五界

    Classification schemes are used by biologists to place the huge number of organisms on Earth into natural groupings. Ideally, these groupings are made by taxonomists on the basis of shared distinguishing features. Today taxonomists use such features as anatomy, developmental stages, and biochemical similarities to categorize organisms. Early classification schemes placed all organisms into either the plant or animal kingdom. Later, close examination of the unique structure of fungi and the diversity of single-celled organisms made it necessary to propose additional kingdoms that recognized the fundamental differences among plants, animals, fungi, and unicellular prokaryotes (organisms whose cells do not have a distinct membrane-bound nucleus) and eukaryotes (organisms whose cells have a distinct membrane-bound nucleus). The current scheme consisting of five kingdoms—Monera, Protista, Animalia, Fungi, and Plantae—was devised in response to this need.


  2. 物種的數量

    Scientists do not know how many species share our world. Each year 7,000 to10,000 new species are named. The total number of named species is currently around 1.4 million. However, many scientists believe that 7 million to 10 million species may exist, and estimates range as high as 30 million. Of all of the species that have been identified, about 5 percent are in the Monera and Protista kingdoms. An additional 22 percent are plants and fungi, and the rest are animals. This distribution has little to do with the actual abundance of these organisms and a lot to do with the size of the organisms, how easy they are to classify, and the number of scientists studying them.

    科學家們不知道有多少物種分享我們的世界。每年有 7,000 到 10,000 個新物種被命名。目前命名的物種總數約為 140 萬。然而,許多科學家認為,可能存在 700 萬到 1,000 萬個物種,甚至估計高達 3,000 萬。在所有已確定的物種中,約有 5% 是在單細胞和原生動物界。另外 22% 是植物和真菌,其餘是動物。這種分佈與這些生物的實際數量沒有什麼關係,反而與生物的大小、是否容易分類以及研究它們的科學家的數量有很大關係。

  3. 分類標準制定的困難

    The kingdom Protista, defined as comprising all single-celled eukaryotic organisms, is not a natural grouping and scientists disagree about which organisms it should include. Plants, animals, and fungi all have close protistan relatives and the separation of single-celled organisms from multicellular organisms is sometimes problematic. It is especially so for the algae, which have both single-celled and multicellular representatives within most smaller taxonomic groupings. Can closely related organisms be placed into separate kingdoms, Protista and Plantae, simply on the basis of multicellula? If you look at different textbooks, you will see that the algae, photosynthetic organisms with simple reproduction, are sometimes placed entirely into Protista, and sometimes they are split between Protista and Plantae depending on whether they are single celled or multicellular. Some taxonomists split the multicellular algae into two kingdoms, placing the multicellular brown and red algae with the protists and the multicellular green algae into the plant kingdom. These different attempts to classify closely related organisms are good examples of how difficult it is to develop standard criteria for grouping organisms, even at the kingdom level.


  4. 原生生物界

    One approach to this problem, enthusiastically endorsed by Lynn Margulis, a biologist at the University of Massachusetts, is the creation of the kingdom Protoctista. This taxonomic category would include single-celled organisms and their close descendants (for example, the multicellular algae but not the animals, fungi, and plants). Margulis describes the kingdom Protoctista as “the entire motley and unruly group of nonplant, nonanimal, nonfungal organisms representative of lineages of the earliest descendants of the eukaryotes.”


  5. 藻類的分類

    It is conceptually difficult to group one of the largest multicellular organisms in the world, the brown algae called giant kelps, with simple microscopic single-celled organisms. Kelps, some of which are up to 60 meters long, possess a tissuelike level of organization that is relatively complex and can transport materials over long distances, as can the tissues of higher plants. The cells in kelps and some other algae are specialized and show division of labor. However, kelps reproduce like other algae and differently from plants. Thomas Cavalier-Smith of the University of British Columbia has proposed that brown algae merit their own kingdom (kingdom Chromista) based on ultrastructural features and molecular comparisons of all algae. So, even among the algae, there are clear differences that some scientists believe are sufficient to justify the status of separate kingdom.

    從概念上講,將世界上最大的多細胞生物之一,即被稱為巨型海帶的褐藻,與簡單的微觀單細胞生物進行分組是很困難的。海帶,其中一些長達 60 米,擁有類似組織層級相當複雜的結構,可以長距離運輸物質,就像高等植物的組織一樣。海帶和其他一些藻類的細胞是特殊化的,顯示出分工。然而,海帶的繁殖方式與其他藻類一樣,但與植物不同。英屬哥倫比亞大學的托馬斯.卡瓦列爾.史密斯指出,根據所有藻類的超微結構特徵和分子比較,褐藻應該有自己的界(色藻界)。因此,即使在藻類中也存在有明顯的差異,因而一些科學家認為這足以證明獨立成界的地位。

  6. 分類的不斷修正

    As we learn more about the relationships between organisms and refine the criteria used to classify them, classification schemes will change. As the superficially simple question "In which kingdom should we place the algae?" illustrates, the taxonomic categories in textbooks are tentative and subject to revision as we continue to discover more about life on Earth.



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