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托福閱讀英漢對照 066 P3—What is Coral?
托福 066 閱讀測驗第三篇主題為珊瑚,主要內容在描述珊瑚蟲的身體構造以及生長方式,同時也說明珊瑚群的成長與擴張,並且分析珊瑚群外型變化的影響因素。
本篇文章共分 6 段,針對珊瑚的結構、珊瑚蟲的生長方式、珊瑚群的擴張原理以及變化成因做有系統的整理與說明。
What is Coral? 珊瑚是什麼?
Corals belong to a group of animals called cnidarians. This group encompasses hard and soft corals, sea fans, gorgonians, hydroids, jellyfish, and sea anemones. Although the group is remarkably diverse, there are a few features shared by all. They have a free-swimming larval stage and a simple body plan: a central mouth, through which material passes in and out of the body, and a ring of tentacles. The other distinguishing feature of the cnidarians is the presence of nematocysts (stinging cells), which are used to catch prey.
Individual corals are known as coral polyps: each is a single animal. In isolation a coral polyp looks very similar to a sea anemone, but unlike sea anemones, which live separated from each other, corals form colonies. A few species remain solitary, but in most cases, new polyps bud off the initial founding polyp, and gradually colonies of thousands or even millions of polyps will grow, each connected to its neighbors by living tissue. Freed from the limitations of living alone, colonies can grow to immense sizes and live a very long time.
Corals come in all shapes and sizes, but the basic plan is the same: polyps live as a surface layer on some sort of structure, be it hard and inflexible or rubbery. The hard, or true corals, for which reefs are most famous, build limestone skeletons beneath the living tissue. Soft corals, as their name implies, do not form solid skeletons; instead they secrete limestone crystal structures called sclerites, which are embedded within a jellylike matrix beneath the polyps. When they die, little is left of most soft corals as the limestone element of their makeup is so small and easily breaks up.
By contrast, some sea whips and fans and, notably, the black corals, have such dense skeletons of limestone, protein, and minerals that they are highly durable and are collected and polished for jewelry. The skeleton of black corals is more dense the slower it grows, and it grows more slowly at depth. So it is the very deep, older colonies that are most highly prized.
Coral reefs would not exist if it were not for the ability of coral polyps to secrete limestone or calcium carbonate. Sea water surrounding a coral is very rich in dissolved calcium carbonate, but the fluid inside the polyp cannot retain a large quantity of calcium carbonate, so it is laid down as microscopic needle-shaped crystals beneath and around the polyp. This process occurs in two stages. As the polyp expands to feed with its tentacles at night, it lifts off the skeleton, rather like a glove coming part way off a hand. At this stage, the calcium carbonate crystals form ridges. During the following day (when the coral polyp is retracted and lying on its new structure), the valleys between the ridges fill in with more calcium carbonate and the skeleton takes on a smoother appearance. Because the skeleton of hard corals is made of limestone or calcium carbonate, it is pure white.
Each coral species lays down its skeleton in a different way. This gives rise to the extraordinary range of shapes and forms that hard corals take. Some form large boulders, where the polyps live in small, isolated depressions or grooves in the skeleton. Some grow in branches, which can be small and stubby, while others are spreading, treelike structures. Still others grow delicate, leaflike plates or flat tables. The range is huge, and to complicate the matter further, the same species will grow in a different way depending on the physical characteristics of the place in which it finds itself. Although a coral's genetic blueprint is fundamental in determining what it looks like, its appearance is also affected by waves, currents, light, and competition for space on the reef. Such variations in coral form have complicated the matter of identification over the years.
About the author
化工博士卻因強烈興趣而投身英語教學,累積超過 30 年的經驗,謝忠理以理工思維突破英語教學迷思,研發專門針對華人的教學方法,自成體系,主攻字彙、文法、閱讀、寫作。教學科目涵蓋 GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, ACT 及實力養成課程,強調實力與分數並進。上課認真嚴肅,下課和藹可親,思緒周密,喜論理,如其名。