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托福閱讀英漢對照 063 P3—The Roman Empire


托福 063 閱讀測驗第三篇主題為羅馬帝國,主要內容在整理羅馬帝國的成立與其在國家管理、城市建築、道路橋樑興建、自然、藝術、宗教等方面的成就,以說明其對歐洲地區長久的影響力所在。


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本篇文章共分 7 段,將羅馬帝國的成立與其對於歐洲甚至整個世界的影響作出整理。對包含民生建設、建築技術、道路橋梁的規劃與建造、重視自然與藝術,及宗教信仰的發展,做有系統的整理與說明。


The Roman Empire 羅馬帝國

  1. 羅馬帝國成立與影響

    After the formation of the Roman Republic in 509 B C., the Romans expanded the borders of their realm through near-continuous warfare. At its greatest extent, in the early second century A.D., the Roman Empire reached from the Euphrates River in southwest Asia to Scotland in the West. The vast territory ringed the Mediterranean Sea—mare nostrum, or “our sea,” the Romans called it. As the Romans absorbed the peoples they conquered, they imposed on them a legal, administrative, and cultural structure that endured for some five centuries—in the eastern Mediterranean until the fifteenth century A.D.—and left a lasting mark on the civilizations that emerged in Europe.

    公元前 509 年羅馬共和國成立後,羅馬人透過近乎持續的戰爭擴大了其王國的邊界。公元二世紀初,羅馬帝國的版圖最大,從亞洲西南部的幼發拉底河延伸到西部的蘇格蘭。這片廣闊的領土環抱著地中海—羅馬人稱之為「我們的海」 (mare nostrum)。當羅馬人吸收他們所征服的民族時,他們將法律、行政和文化結構強加給他們,時間持續了大約五個世紀—而在東地中海地區甚至持續到公元 15 世紀—並對歐洲出現的文明留下了持久的印記。

  2. 羅馬帝國的特色

    Conquering and maintaining a vast empire required not only inspired leadership and tactics but also careful planning, massive logistical support, and great administrative skill. Some of Rome's most enduring contributions to Western civilization—its system of law, its governmental and administrative structures, and its sophisticated civil engineering and architecture—reflect these qualities.


  3. 公共建設與建築技術

    To facilitate the development and administration of the empire, as well as to make city life comfortable and attractive to its citizens, the Roman government undertook building programs of unprecedented scale and complexity, mandating the construction of central administrative and legal centers (forums and basilicas), recreational facilities (racetracks and stadiums), theaters, public baths, roads, bridges, aqueducts (bridge-like structures for carrying fresh water from the mountains), middle-class housing, and even new towns. To accomplish these tasks without sacrificing beauty, efficiency, and human well-being, Roman builders and architects developed rational plans using easily worked but durable materials and highly sophisticated engineering methods. The architect Vitruvius described these accomplishments in his Ten Books of Architecture.


  4. 道路與橋樑

    To move their armies about efficiently, speed communications between Rome and the farthest reaches of the empire, and promote commerce, the Romans built a vast and sophisticated network of roads and bridges. Many modern European highways still follow the lines laid down by Roman engineers, and foundations dating from the Roman era underlie the streets of many cities. Roman bridges are still in use. and remnants of Roman aqueducts need only repairs and connecting links to enable them to function again. The Pont du Gard, near Nimes in southern France, for example, is a powerful reminder of Rome’s rapid spread and enduring impact. Entirely functional, the Roman aqueduct conveys the balance, proportion, and rhythmic harmony of a great work of art and fits naturally into the landscape, a reflection of the Romans’ attitude toward the land.


  5. 對自然的喜愛

    Despite their sophistication as city-dwellers, Romans liked to portray themselves as simple country folk who had never lost their love of nature. The middle classes enjoyed their town-home gardens, wealthy city dwellers maintained rural estates, and Roman emperors had country villas that were both functioning farms and places of recreation. Wealthy Romans even brought nature indoors by commissioning artists to paint landscapes on the interior walls of their homes.


  6. 重視藝術

    The Romans particularly admired Greek art. Historians have even suggested that although Rome conquered the Greek world, Greek culture conquered Rome. The Romans used Greek designs and Greek styles of columns in their architecture, imported Greek art, and employed Greek artists. In 146 B.C., for example, they stripped the Greek city of Corinth of its art treasures and shipped them back to Rome. Ironically, this love of Greek art was not accompanied by admiration for its artists. In Rome, as in Greece, professional artists were generally considered little more than skilled laborers.

    羅馬人特別推崇希臘藝術。歷史學家甚至認為,雖然羅馬征服了希臘世界,但希臘文化征服了羅馬。羅馬人在他們的建築中使用了希臘設計和希臘風格的柱子,進口了希臘藝術,並僱用了希臘藝術家。例如,在公元前 146 年,他們將希臘城市科林斯的藝術珍品拆除,並將它們運回羅馬。具有諷刺意味的是,這種對希臘藝術的熱愛並沒有伴隨著對其藝術家的欽佩。在羅馬,就像在希臘一樣,專業的藝術家通常被認為只是熟練的工人而已。

  7. 宗教信仰

    Although the Romans had gods of their own, they also adopted many Greek gods and myths and assimilated Greek religious beliefs and practices into a form of state religion. To these gods they added their own deified emperors, in part to maintain the allegiance of the culturally diverse populations of the empire. Worship of ancient gods mingled with homage to past rulers, and oaths of allegiance to the living ruler made the official religion a political duty—increasingly ritualized, perfunctory, and distant from the everyday life of the average person. As a result, many Romans adopted the more personal religious beliefs of the people they had conquered. These unauthorized religions flourished, despite occasional government efforts to suppress them.



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