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托福整合寫作解析/英漢對照 074—Mystery Hill


托福 074 整合寫作討論的是在美國新罕布什爾州出現,類似英格蘭著名的古代巨石陣的石造結構是歐洲人,還是美洲原住民所留下的遺跡。


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Mystery Hill 神秘山

托福 074 考題符合托福 iBT 整合寫作的標準格式:在閱讀內容部分,作者提出三點理由主張名為神秘山的石造結構是由古代歐洲人製造出來的。而在講課內容部分,則對此三項原因一一提出反駁。


整篇難度屬於中等程度。只要能夠掌握整合寫作的聽力技巧、寫作格式、並通曉評分原則,應該能夠拿到至少 25 分。


Reading 閱讀內容


    Once known as the roadside attraction Mystery Hill, America’s Stonehenge in Salem, New Hampshire, includes mysterious rock formations, a warren of man-made caves and chambers, and stone walls that stretch across the hilltop. The origin and purpose of the structures have been hotly debated among scholars and amateur sleuths for years, raising far more questions than answers. Although there’s no doubt that a native civilization made use of this area, it must be some pre-Columbian, migratory Europeans who constructed this place for religious rituals and ceremonies.


    [註:目前網路上所有的 074 整合寫作的閱讀部分都欠缺第一段內容。上述文字乃擷取 此處 文章混合而成。特此說明。]


    First, the arrangement of stones at Mystery Hill is similar to that of some stone structures that are well known in Europe. For example, Stonehenge, an ancient monument in England, includes large stones that align with astronomical events, such as the position of the Sun at sunrise on the longest day of the year. Certain stones at Mystery Hill align with the same events in precisely the same way. This same arrangement at both locations suggests that the builders of Mystery Hill were inspired by European monuments.




    Second, researchers discovered a large flat stone at Mystery Hill that appears to have an early type of European writing carved into it. The particular writing system, consisting of straight lines, was used by Irish people in Europe, starting about 1,500 years ago. The presence of a stone containing very old European writing at Mystery Hill suggests that Europeans were present at the site long ago.


    第二,研究人員在神秘山發現了一塊大型的平坦石頭,上面似乎刻有一種早期的歐洲文字。這種特殊的文字系統由直線組成,由歐洲的愛爾蘭人使用,大約在 1,500 年前開始。在神秘山出現了一塊含有非常古老的歐洲文字的石頭,表示歐洲人很久以前就在這個地方。


    Finally, archaeologists determined that the large stones at Mystery Hill were quarried, or cut from the ground, and then significantly altered by hammering and burning well over 1,000 years ago. The way in which stones at Mystery Hill were quarried and the methods used to reshape them are similar to quarrying activities and stoneworking methods that were widely practiced in Europe in the distant past. Such methods are not generally associated with ancient Native Americans.


    最後,考古學家判定,神秘山的大石頭是在 1,000 多年前被開採出來的,或者說是從地面上切割下來的,然後通過錘擊和焚燒進行了重大改造。神秘山的石頭被開採的方式和用來重塑它們的方法類似於遠古時期歐洲廣泛採用的採石活動和石器加工方法。這些方法通常不會跟古代美洲原住民有任何相關性。

Lecture 講課內容





    Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

    Most archeologists don't think the structures at Mystery Hill were built by ancient Europeans. Here's why they aren't convinced.





    First, it's true that the stones at Mystery Hill are arranged in the same way as stones at European sites. But here's the problem. The upright standing stones we see at Mystery Hill today are probably no longer in their original positions. You see, the Mystery Hillside belonged to a private owner in the 1930s, and historians suspect that the owner moved many of the stones around. In fact, the owner may have been trying to make the site look more like England's famous Stonehenge. By doing that, the owner probably hoped to attract more tourists to the site and make a financial profit.


    首先,神秘山的石頭確實與歐洲遺址的石頭排列方式相同。但這裡有個問題。我們今天在神秘山看到的直立的石頭可能已經不在原來的位置了。你看,神秘山在 20 世紀 30 年代屬於一個私人業主,歷史學家懷疑該業主將許多石頭搬來搬去。事實上,該業主可能是想讓這個地方看起來更像英國著名的巨石陣。通過這樣做,業主可能希望吸引更多的遊客來到這裡,並賺取經濟利潤。


    Second, what about those lines carved into the flat stone? Well, if you're not an expert, a few straight lines might look like a simple writing system, but that's not conclusive evidence. Most archaeologists don't believe that those marks are actually ancient European writing. Those marks are probably just some accidental scratches made by farming equipment, since the area was used for farming for a long time. You know, a metal plow rolled over the stone several times and left some scratches behind.




    Finally, even though the type of quarrying done at Mystery Hill suggests European work to some people, archaeologists have found other ancient objects at Mystery Hill that were clearly made by Native Americans. Specifically, they found smaller stone objects such as jewelry that Native Americans wore as decoration. When archaeologists took a closer look, the jewelry had the same type of tool marks as the large stones. This suggests that the same kind of hammering tool was used to work both the large stone structures and the jewelry. This is strong evidence that Native Americans created the smaller objects as well as the large stones.




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