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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (22)—Kangaroo Island, Australia


澳大利亞的袋鼠島以浴火重生,包括無尾熊在內,的島上無數有袋動物、保育旅遊、以及強調永續的生態旅宿入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





課程說明請點選下列按鈕,並歡迎預約試聽 (實體、雲端)。

2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Kangaroo Island, Australia 袋鼠島,澳大利亞

A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras.
(附圖說明:A koala on Kangaroo Island near Adelaide, Australia. 澳大利亞阿德萊德附近袋鼠島上的一隻無尾熊。)


    When bushfires ignited Australia’s third largest island during the 2019–2020 season, the blazes devastated a wildlife haven. Half of Kangaroo Island burned, killing 40% of its namesake marsupials and an estimated 40,000 koalas. Researchers mourned losses among vulnerable species, from green-carpenter bees to echidnas and the sooty dunnart, a mouse-size marsupial that lives nowhere else on earth.

    當叢林大火在 2019-2020 季度使澳大利亞第三大島陷入烈焰時,大火摧毀了一個野生動物的安居家園。半個袋鼠島付之一炬,40% 的同名有袋動物和大約 4 萬隻無尾熊命喪火場。研究人員對脆弱物種的逝去表示哀悼,從綠心蜜蜂到針鼴鼠和煤煙袋鼠,後者是一種老鼠大小的有袋動物,在地球上其他地方付之闕如。


    But now visitors to Kangaroo Island will find a landscape lush with greenery. Eclipsing ruins are species signaling recovery, including the white-blossomed daisy bush and Kangaroo Island yucca, whose spiky flowers disappear for decades and bloom—a fragrant symbol of hope—only in the wake of fire. Aided by Western River Refuge, a preserve founded in 2021 and wrapped in predator-proof fencing, even the tiny dunnart is scurrying back. Recovery has been a community-wide effort, travelers included. Guiding company Exceptional Kangaroo Island recently introduced three-day private conservation tours, including encounters with ecologists studying dunnarts and glossy black cockatoos; Seal Bay Conservation Park has new research adventures to assist with monitoring endangered Australian sea lions.

    但現在,來到袋鼠島的遊客會發現這裡的景觀綠意盎然。與廢墟相映成趣的是一些有復蘇跡象的物種,包括開著白花的菊花叢和袋鼠島絲蘭,其尖尖的花朵消失了幾十年,只在火災後才綻放—這是一種芳香的希望象徵。在 Western River Refuge 的幫助下,這個成立於 2021 年並被捕食者圍欄隔離的保護區,甚至連小小的煤煙袋鼠也回竄而來。復原跡象是全面性的努力,包括遊客。導遊公司 Exceptional Kangaroo Island 最近推出了為期三天的 私人保育之旅,包括與研究煤煙袋鼠和光面黑鸚鵡的生態學家接觸;海豹灣 保護公園有新的 研究探險,協助監測瀕危的澳大利亞海獅。


    The focus on sustainability extends to the island’s sleek new stays. In December, hospitality brand Wander unveiled its four solar-powered, rainwater-harvesting luxury cabins, or “pods,” at the island’s northern cusp. Sun- and rainwater-fueled Sea Dragon Lodge completes a rollout of five new ocean-view suites in March, growing their 250-acre beachfront property, home to hundreds of kangaroos. And after burning to the ground in the bushfires, eco-luxury icon Southern Ocean Lodge reopens in November with fully rebuilt, off-grid guest suites surrounded by fire-resistant native succulents and juniper trees. Floor-to-ceiling windows frame coastal scenes attesting to this island’s resilience and beauty.

    對永續發展的關注延伸到了該島時尚的新住宿設施。12 月時,酒店品牌 Wander 在該島北部的邊緣地帶推出了四個太陽能供電、雨水收集的豪華小屋,或稱「豆莢」。以太陽和雨水為燃料的 海龍山莊 在 3 月完成了五間新的海景套房的推出,使他們 250 英畝的海濱地產增添助力,此處亦是數百隻袋鼠的家園。在叢林大火中被燒成灰燼之後,生態奢華的標誌性旅宿 南大洋旅店 於 11 月重新開業,其完全重建的離電網客房被防火的本地多肉植物和杜松樹包圍。落地窗框住了沿海的場景,證明了這個島嶼的復原力和美貌。

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