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托福閱讀英漢對照 055 P1—Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia


托福 055 閱讀測驗第一篇以斯堪的納維亞地區在新石器時代的生活與社會為主題,並將其與歐洲其他地區作比較,藉以說明其在多方面所呈現的複雜與變化。


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本篇文章共分 5 段,將斯堪的納維亞的中石器時代的生活與社會特徵,包括其飲食、捕獵、商業交換、居住方式等,與歐洲其他地區進行比較,藉以說明此一地區的特殊與複雜性。


Mesolithic Complexity in Scandinavia 斯堪的納維亞半島的中石器時代複雜性

  1. 歐洲中石器時代的區分

    The European Mesolithic (roughly the period from 8000 B.C. to 2700 B.C.) testifies to a continuity in human culture from the times of the Ice Age. This continuity, however, was based on continuous adjustment to environmental changes following the end of the last glacial period (about 12,500 years ago). Three broad subdivisions within the northern Mesolithic are known in Scandinavia. The Maglemose Period (7500-5700 B.C) was a time of seasonal exploitation of rivers and lakes, combined with terrestrial hunting and foraging. The sites from the Kongemose Period (5700-4600 B.C.) are mainly on the Baltic Sea coasts, along bays and near lagoons, where the people exploited both marine and terrestrial resources. Many Kongemose sites are somewhat larger than Maglemose ones. The Ertebolle Period (4600-3200 B.C.) was the culmination of Mesolithic culture in southern Scandinavia.

    歐洲中石器時代(大約從公元前 8000 年到公元前 2700 年)見證了人類文化在冰河時期的延續性。然而,這種連續性是基於對最後一個冰河期(大約 12,500 年前)結束後環境變化的不斷調整。在斯堪的納維亞半島,中石器時代的北部有三個廣泛的分支。馬格勒摩斯時期(公元前 7500-5700 年)是一個季節性開發河流和湖泊的時期,同時也是陸地狩獵和覓食的時期。孔戈摩斯時期(公元前 5700-4600 年)的遺址主要在波羅的海沿岸、海灣邊和瀉湖附近,人們在那裡開發海洋和陸地資源。許多孔戈摩斯遺址比馬格勒摩斯遺址要大一些。埃特博萊時期(公元前 4600-3200 年)是斯堪的納維亞南部中石器時代文化的集大成。

  2. 斯堪的那維亞的捕食與工具

    By the Ertebolle Period, the Scandinavians were occupying coastal settlements year-round and subsisting off a very wide range of food sources. These included forest game and waterfowl, shellfish, sea mammals, and both shallow-water and deepwater fish. There were smaller seasonal coastal sites, too: for specific activities such as deepwater fishing, sealing, or hunting of migratory birds. One such site, the Aggersund site in Denmark, was occupied for short periods of time in the autumn, when the inhabitants collected oysters and hunted some game, especially migratory swans. Ertebolle technology was far more elaborate than that of its Mesolithic predecessors; a wide variety of antler, bone, and wood tools for specialized purposes such as fowling and sea-mammal hunting were developed, including dugout canoes up to ten meters long.

    到了埃特博萊時期,斯堪的納維亞人常年居住在沿海地區,並依靠非常廣泛的食物來源維持生計。這些食物包括森林野味和水禽,貝類,海洋哺乳動物,以及淺水和深水魚。也有一些較小的季節性海岸遺址:用於特定的活動,如深水捕魚、獵海豹或狩獵候鳥。有一個這樣的遺址,即丹麥的 Aggersund 遺址,在秋季被短期佔用,此時居民收集牡蠣並獵取一些獵物,特別是候鳥天鵝。埃特博萊技術比中石器時代的先期文明要精細得多;開發了各種各樣的鹿角、骨質和木質工具,包括長達十米的獨木舟,用於專門用途,如打獵和狩獵海洋哺乳動物。

  3. 定居與生活方式

    With sedentary settlement comes evidence of greater social complexity in the use of cemeteries for burials and changes in burial practices. The trend toward more sedentary settlement, the cemeteries, and the occasional social differentiation revealed by elaborate burials are all reflections of an intensified use of resources among these relatively affluent hunter-gatherers of 3000 B.C. Mesolithic societies intensified the food quest by exploiting many more marine species, making productive use of migratory waterfowl and their breeding grounds, and collecting shellfish in enormous numbers. This intensification is also reflected in a much more elaborate and diverse technology, more exchange of goods and materials between neighbors, greater variety in settlement types, and a slowly rising population throughout southern Scandinavia. These phenomena may, in part, be a reflection of rising sea levels throughout the Mesolithic that flooded many cherished territories. There are signs, too, of regional variations in artifact forms and styles, indicative of cultural differences between people living in well-delineated territories and competing for resources.

    隨著定居的出現,有證據顯示,在使用墓地埋葬和改變埋葬方式方面,社會變得更加複雜。定居增加的趨勢,墓地,以及精心設計的墓葬所揭示的偶爾的社會分化,都反映了公元前 3000 年這些相對富裕的狩獵採集者對資源的強化利用。中石器時代社會加強了對食物的追求,開發了更多的海洋物種,對遷徙的水禽和它們的繁殖地進行了富有成效的利用,並收集了大量的貝類。這種強化也反映在更精細和多樣化的技術上,鄰居之間更多的商品和材料交換,更多的定居類型,以及整個斯堪的納維亞半島南部緩慢上升的人口。這些現象可能部分反映了整個中石器時代的海平面上升,淹沒了許多珍貴的領土。也有跡象顯示文物形式和風格的區域差異,代表生活在界限分明的領土上的人們之間的文化差異,以及對資源的競爭。

  4. 歐洲其他地區

    Mesolithic cultures are much less well-defined elsewhere in Europe, partly because the climatic changes were less extreme than in southern Scandinavia and because there were fewer opportunities for coastal adaptation. In much of central Europe, settlement was confined to lakeside and riverside locations, widely separated from one another by dense forests. Many Mesolithic lakeside sites were located in transitional zones between different environments so that the inhabitants could return to a central base location, where for much of the year they lived close to predictable resources such as lake fish. However, they would exploit both forest game and other seasonal resources from satellite camps. For example, the archaeologist Michael Jochim believes that some groups lived during most of the year in camps along the Danube River in central Europe, moving to summer encampments on the shores of neighboring lakes. In areas like Spain, there appears to have been intensified exploitation of marine and forest resources. There was a trend nearly everywhere toward greater variety in the diet, with more attention being paid to less obvious foods and to those that require more complex processing methods than do game and other such resources.

    歐洲其他地方的中石器時代文化沒有那麼明確,部分原因是氣候的變化沒有斯堪的納維亞南部那麼極端,而且沿海地區的適應機會較少。在歐洲中部的大部分地區,定居點被限制在湖邊和河邊的位置,彼此之間被茂密的森林隔開。許多中石器時代的湖邊遺址位於不同環境之間的過渡地帶,這樣居民就可以回到一個中央基地,在那裡他們一年中的大部分時間都生活在可預測的資源附近,如湖魚。然而,他們會從衛星營地開採森林獵物和其他季節性資源。例如,考古學家 Michael Jochim 認為,一些群體一年中的大部分時間都生活在歐洲中部多瑙河沿岸的營地裡,然後轉移到鄰近湖泊岸邊的夏季營地中。在西班牙等地區,似乎已經加強了對海洋和森林資源的開發。幾乎所有地方都出現了飲食多樣化的趨勢,人們更加關注那些不太顯眼的食物,以及那些需要比野味和其他此類資源更複雜的加工方法的食物。

  5. 社會複雜度提升

    Thus, in parts of Europe, there was a long-term trend among hunter-gatherer societies toward a more extensive exploitation of food resources, often within the context of a strategy that sought ways to minimize the impact of environmental uncertainty. In more favored southern Scandinavia, such societies achieved a new level of social complexity that was to become commonplace among later farming peoples, and this preadaptation proved an important catalyst for rapid economic and social change when farming did come to Europe.



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