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托福整合寫作解析/英漢對照 067—Brendan the Navigator


托福 067 整合寫作主題是航海家布蘭登,內容主要在討論這位西元 6 世紀的愛爾蘭神父是否曾經航行經過大西洋,而成為第一位來到現在北美洲的歐洲人。


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Brendan the Navigator 航海家布蘭登

托福 067 考題符合托福 iBT 整合寫作的標準格式:在閱讀內容部分,作者提出三項證據用以主張航海家布蘭登曾經來到過北美洲。而在講課內容部分,則對此三項理由一一加以反駁。


整篇難度屬於中等程度。只要能夠掌握整合寫作的聽力技巧、寫作格式、並通曉評分原則,應該能夠拿到至少 25 分。


Reading 閱讀內容


    Brendan the Navigator was an Irish priest who lived in the 6th century. He is most famous for embarking on a voyage in search of the mythical “Island of the Blessed.” The details of Brendan's voyage, recorded as stories in old manuscripts, suggest to some that Brendan and his crew reached North America during their voyage, becoming the first Europeans to do so. Those who advance this theory support it with several arguments


    航海家布蘭登是一位生活在 6 世紀的愛爾蘭神父。他最著名的是開始了尋找神話中的「神祐之島」的航行。布蘭登航行的細節以故事的形式記錄在古老的手稿中,在一些人看來,布蘭登和他的船員在航行中到達了北美洲,成為第一個到達北美洲的歐洲人。提出這一理論的人用幾個論點來支持它


    First, the written stories about Brendan’s voyage seem to make references to places his crew would have visited on the way to North America. Sailors in Brendan's time typically traveled from island to island to avoid the dangers of long periods on the open seas. A journey from Ireland to North America would have taken Brendan to the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland before reaching the North American continent (see illustration). Places described in the stories about Brendan’s voyage share characteristics with some of those island locations.




    Second, a team of researchers recently constructed a boat resembling a curragh, an old Irish boat of the type used by Brendan. Curraghs had a wooden frame with cowhides stretched over it. In building the boat, the researchers used only materials and techniques available in Brendan’s time. The researchers were able to sail this boat from Ireland to North America, demonstrating that boat technology in Brendan’s time was sufficient for a journey across the Atlantic Ocean.




    Third, old markings that may have a connection to Brendan’s voyage have been discovered at several locations in North America. Cut into rocks, these markings consist of narrow vertical lines resembling letters of ogham, an old Irish alphabet in frequent use in Brendan’s time. The resemblance of those marks to ogham has convinced some that the markings were made by members of Brendan’s crew.



Lecture 講課內容





    Now, listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

    Did Brendan the Navigator really get to North America in the 6th century? None of the evidence presented in the reading is particularly strong.


    航海家布倫丹真的在 6 世紀到達了北美洲嗎?閱讀中提出的證據都不是特別有力。


    First, can we be sure that the stories really refer to the Faroe Islands or Iceland? Let's take a closer look. For example, the stories mentioned that Brendan visited “an island of sheep.” Some people believe that this is a reference to the Faroe Islands, because sheep were raised there. But sheep were raised in other locations, too. Another reference is to “a burning hill.” Again, some people think this refers to Iceland, where there are active volcanoes. But a burning hill may not mean a volcano. It could just be a hill where people have set many fires. So, as you can see, we cannot be too sure that the descriptions in the stories really refer to islands located along the way to America.




    Second, although the researchers built their ship using old Irish ship building methods, it was not an exact copy of the actual Curraghs used by the Irish in Brendan's time. Most importantly, the researcher ship is quite a bit longer, 12 meters long, and has more sails than an Irish ship would have had in the 6th century. Sure, this larger, more powerful ship is able to make an 8,000-kilometer voyage, but this doesn't really prove that the smaller curraghs built in Brendan's time could do the same.


    其次,儘管研究者用愛爾蘭古老的造船方法建造了他們的船,但它並不是布蘭登時代愛爾蘭人所使用的真正的庫拉格的完全拷貝。最重要的是,研究人員的船比 6 世紀的愛爾蘭船要長不少,有 12 米長,而且有更多的帆。當然,這艘更大、更強大的船能夠進行 8,000 公里的航行,但這並不能真正證明在布蘭登時代建造的較小的庫拉格船也能做到這一點。


    Third, those intriguing markings discovered in North America. Well, some of those markings may resemble an old Irish alphabet, but many others do not. For example, some of the markings look like pictures, images of a sun, a hand, a tree. Real ogham, the old Irish script, was an alphabet and did not incorporate pictures, only letters. So the markings were probably not made by the Irish, but by Native Americans who did carve pictures into stone.




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