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劍橋雅思 14 閱讀英漢對照 T1P1—The Importance of Children's Play


劍橋雅思 14 測驗第一回閱讀第一篇主題是每位兒童在成長過程當中必不可缺的遊戲,內容主要從專業學術研究角度闡釋遊戲在思考能力以及創造力養成中所扮演的重要角色,以呼籲現代教育體系應正視遊戲在兒童成長中所佔的比重。


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本篇文章共分 16 段,從兒童從事的遊戲種類、遊戲對於創造力以及智能發展的影響,到專門研究遊戲功能的教育機構,以及目前的研究成果一一臚列,藉以說明遊戲對於人類發展與學習的重要性。


The Importance of Children's Play 兒童遊戲的重要性

  1. 創造力的第一步

    Brick by brick, six-year-old Alice is building a magical kingdom. Imagining fairy-tale turrets and fire-breathing dragons, wicked witches and gallant heroes, she’s creating an enchanting world. Although she isn’t aware of it, this fantasy is helping her take her first steps towards her capacity for creativity and so it will have important repercussions in her adult life.


  2. 各種遊戲方式

    Minutes later, Alice has abandoned the kingdom in favour of playing schools with her younger brother. When she bosses him around as his ‘teacher’, she’s practising how to regulate her emotions through pretence. Later on, when they tire of this and settle down with a board game, she’s learning about the need to follow rules and take turns with a partner.


  3. 遊戲與智能發展

    ‘Play in all its rich variety is one of the highest achievements of the human species,’ says Dr David Whitebread from the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, UK. ‘It underpins how we develop as intellectual, problem-solving adults and is crucial to our success as a highly adaptable species.’


  4. 遊戲與學習

    Recognizing the importance of play is not new: over two millennia ago, the Greek philosopher Plato extolled its virtues as a means of developing skills for adult life, and ideas about play-based learning have been developing since the 19th century.

    認識到遊戲的重要性並不新鮮:兩千多年前,希臘哲學家柏拉圖就稱讚遊戲是發展成人生活技能的一種手段,同時有關基於遊戲的學習想法自 19 世紀以來一直在發展。

  5. 遊戲時間日益減少

    But we live in changing times, and Whitebread is mindful of a worldwide decline in play, pointing out that over half the people in the world now live in cities. ‘The opportunities for free play, which I experienced almost every day of my childhood, are becoming increasingly scarce,’ he says. Outdoor play is curtailed by perceptions of risk to do with traffic, as well as parents’ increased wish to protect their children from being the victims of crime, and by the emphasis on ‘earlier is better’ which is leading to greater competition in academic learning and schools.


  6. 遊戲政策

    International bodies like the United Nations and the European Union have begun to develop policies concerned with children’s right to play, and to consider implications for leisure facilities and educational programmes. But what they often lack is the evidence to base policies on.


  7. 遊戲的長期影響研究

    ‘The type of play we are interested in is child-initiated, spontaneous and unpredictable – but, as soon as you ask a five-year-old “to play”, then you as the researcher have intervened,’ explains Dr Sara Baker. ‘And we want to know what the long-term impact of play is. It’s a real challenge.’


  8. 數據缺乏

    Dr Jenny Gibson agrees, pointing out that although some of the steps in the puzzle of how and why play is important have been looked at, there is very little data on the impact it has on the child’s later life.


  9. 遊戲研究機構

    Now, thanks to the university’s new Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development and Learning (PEDAL), Whitebread, Baker, Gibson and a team of researchers hope to provide evidence on the role played by play in how a child develops.

    現在,由於該大學新成立的教育、發展和學習中的遊戲研究中心 (PEDAL),惠特布雷德、貝克、吉布森和一個研究小組希望提供關於遊戲在兒童如何發展中所扮演角色的證據。

  10. 遊戲有助思維發展

    ‘A strong possibility is that play supports the early development of children’s self-control,’ explains Baker. ‘This is our ability to develop awareness of our own thinking progresses – it influences how effectively we go about undertaking challenging activities.’


  11. 遊戲培養解決問題能力

    In a study carried out by Baker with toddlers and young pre-schoolers, she found that children with greater self-control solved problems more quickly when exploring an unfamiliar set-up requiring scientific reasoning. ‘This sort of evidence makes up think that giving children the chance to play will make them more successful problem-solvers in the long run.’


  12. 遊戲之教育實踐

    If playful experiences do facilitate this aspect of development, say the researchers, it could be extremely significant for educational practices, because the ability to self-regulate has been shown to be a key predictor of academic performance.


  13. 遊戲與兒童福祉

    Gibson adds: ‘Playful behavior is also an important indicator of healthy social and emotional development. In my previous research, I investigated how observing children at play can give us important clues about their well-being and can even be useful in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.’


  14. 遊戲與寫作訓練

    Whitebread’s recent research has involved developing a play-based approach to supporting children’s writing. ‘Many primary school children find writing difficult, but we showed in a previous study that a playful stimulus was far more effective than an instructional one.’ Children wrote longer and better-structured stories when they first played with dolls representing characters in the story. In the latest study, children first created their story with Lego*, with similar results. ‘Many teachers commented that they had always previously had children saying they didn’t know what to write about. With the Lego building, however, not a single child said this through the whole year of the project.’


  15. 遊戲研究的演變

    Whitebread, who directs PEDAL, trained as a primary school teacher in the early 1970s, when, as he describes, ‘the teaching of young children was largely a quiet backwater, untroubled by any serious intellectual debate or controversy.’ Now, the landscape is very different, with hotly debated topics such as school starting age.

    惠特布雷德是 PEDAL 的負責人,他在 20 世紀 70 年代初接受了小學教師培訓,正如他所描述的那樣,當時「幼兒教學在很大程度上是一潭安靜的死水,沒有任何嚴肅需要智力的辯論或爭論的困擾。」現在,情況已經大不相同,有了諸如入學年齡這樣的激烈爭論。

  16. 遊戲優點不容忽視

    ‘Somehow the importance of play has been lost in recent decades. It’s regarded as something trivial, or even as something negative that contrasts with “work”. Let’s not lose sight of its benefits, and the fundamental contributions it makes to human achievements in the arts, sciences and technology. Let’s make sure children have a rich diet of play experiences.’

    * Lego: coloured plastic building blocks and other pieces that can be joined together


    * 樂高:彩色塑料積木和其他可以連接在一起的部件


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