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《紐約時報》2024 年 10 月 20 日頭版新聞,報導了美國悄悄發生,但是卻對百姓健康產生深遠影響的藥房倒閉風潮。


藥房成效管理公司 (Pharmacy Benefit Manager,P.B.M.s) 有系統地壓低獨立藥店的報酬,迫使許多藥店關閉並造成「藥房荒漠」,尤其是在鄉村和低收入地區。這些中間商(如 CVS Caremark、Express Scripts 和 Optum Rx)控制藥物補償,支付給當地藥房的費用往往低於藥物成本。與此同時,他們會向自己的藥房償付更多費用,從中獲利。隨著小型藥店的關閉,P.B.M. 公司接收了他們的客戶,使得許多社區無法獲得基本的醫療照護服務。自 2022 年以來,這種趨勢已影響許多州。

2024 1021 pharmacy deserts


The Powerful Companies Driving Local Drugstores Out of Business

The biggest pharmacy benefit managers are profiting by systematically underpaying independent drugstores, creating “pharmacy deserts” across the country.

The small-town drugstore closed for the last time on a clear and chilly afternoon in February. Jon Jacobs, who owned Yough Valley Pharmacy, hugged his employees goodbye. He cleared the shelves and packed pill bottles into plastic bins.
二月一個晴朗寒冷的下午,小鎮藥房最後一次拉下鐵關。Yough Valley Pharmacy 的老闆 Jon Jacobs 與員工擁抱道別。他清理了貨架,並將藥瓶裝進塑膠桶。

Mr. Jacobs, a 70-year-old pharmacist, had spent more than half his life building his drugstore into a bedrock of Confluence, Pa., a rural community of roughly 1,000 people. Now the town was losing its only health care provider.
Jacobs 先生是一位 70 歲的藥劑師,他花了大半生的心血,將他的藥房打造成美國賓夕法尼亞州 Confluence 這個約有 1000 人的鄉村社區的基石。現在,這個小鎮失去了唯一的醫療照護提供者。

Obscure but powerful health care middlemen — companies known as pharmacy benefit managers, or P.B.M.s — had destroyed his business.
被稱為藥房成效管理公司 (Pharmacy Benefit Manager, 簡稱 P.B.M.s) 的鮮為人知但勢力龐大的醫療保健中介摧毀了他的生意。

This has been happening all over the country, a New York Times investigation found. P.B.M.s, which employers and government programs hire to oversee prescription drug benefits, have been systematically underpaying small pharmacies, helping to drive hundreds out of business.
《紐約時報》的調查發現,這種情況在全國各地都有發生。P.B.M.s 是雇主和政府計畫聘請來監督處方藥物福利的公司,他們一直有系統地壓低小型藥房的報酬,導致數百間藥房倒閉。

The pattern is benefiting the largest P.B.M.s, whose parent companies run their own competing pharmacies. When local drugstores fold, the benefit managers often scoop up their customers, according to dozens of patients and pharmacists.
這種模式讓最大的 P.B.M.s 得益,它們的母公司經營自己的競爭藥房。據數十個病人和藥劑師表示,當地方藥房倒閉時,福利管理公司通常會搶走他們的顧客。

The benefit managers’ power comes from two main sources. First, the three biggest players — CVS Caremark, Express Scripts and Optum Rx — collectively process roughly 80 percent of prescriptions in the United States. Second, they determine how much drugstores are reimbursed for medications that they provide to patients.
福利管理公司的力量主要來自兩方面。首先,CVS Caremark、Express Scripts 和 Optum Rx 這三家最大的公司合計處理了美國約 80% 的處方藥。其次,他們決定藥房提供給病患的藥物可獲得多少償還。

Pharmacies buy those drugs from wholesalers, in the hope that P.B.M.s will reimburse them at a profit when the medications are provided to patients. But the largest benefit managers have strong incentives to set those rates as low as possible. A key reason: They make money in part by charging employers more for certain drugs than what the P.B.M.s pay pharmacies for them.
藥房從批發商處購買這些藥物,希望 P.B.M. 能在提供藥物給病患時,以利潤償付。但最大的福利管理者有強烈的誘因要將這些費率訂得越低越好。其中一個主要原因是他們賺錢的部分方式是向雇主收取比 P.B.M.s 支付給藥房的某些藥物費用更高的費用。

P.B.M.s frequently pay the pharmacies at rates that do not cover the costs of the drugs, according to more than 100 pharmacists around the country and dozens of examples of insurance paperwork and legal documents.
根據全國 100 多位藥劑師及數十份保險文件和法律文件的例子,P.B.M.支付給藥房的費用往往不足以支付藥物的成本。

To take just one example: For a month’s supply of the blood thinner Eliquis, several pharmacists in different states said, the big three P.B.M.s routinely paid them as much as $100 less than what it cost the pharmacies to buy the medication from a wholesaler.
只舉一個例子:不同州的幾位藥劑師表示,就血液稀釋劑 Eliquis 一個月的供應量而言,三大 P.B.M.通常支付給他們的費用,比藥房從批發商購買藥物的費用低 100 美元之多。

By contrast, the P.B.M.s sometimes pay their own pharmacies more than what they pay local drugstores for the same medications.

Independent pharmacies are powerless to fight back. As the unprofitable transactions pile up, some are unable to stay afloat.

The companies “chopped us off at the knees,” Mr. Jacobs said.
Jacobs 先生說,這些公司「從我們的膝蓋砍下去」。

In every state, The Times identified at least one example since 2022 in which an independent drugstore closed and the pharmacist blamed P.B.M.s. In some states, like Pennsylvania, such closings have become routine. They have disproportionately affected rural and low-income communities, creating so-called pharmacy deserts that make it harder for residents to get prescriptions and medical advice.
自 2022 年以來,《紐約時報》在每個州都發現了至少一個獨立藥房倒閉的例子,藥劑師將責任歸咎於 P.B.M.s。它們不成比例地影響了農村和低收入社區,造成所謂的藥房荒漠,使居民更難獲得處方和醫療建議。

職人帶路: 寫作技巧分析


  1. Narrative Lead

    文章以一個關於 Jon Jacobs (一位被迫關閉藥店的小鎮藥劑師) 的人情故事開場。這個個人敘事透過創造情感連結來吸引讀者的注意力,並將更大的議題建立在一個可親近的真實例子上。以故事開頭有助於讀者在深入更廣泛的分析之前感受到問題對個人的影響。參考例句:

    The small-town drugstore closed for the last time on a clear and chilly afternoon in February. Jon Jacobs, who owned Yough Valley Pharmacy, hugged his employees goodbye.
    二月一個晴朗而寒冷的下午,小鎮的藥店最後一次拉下鐵關。Yough Valley Pharmacy 的老闆 Jon Jacobs 與員工擁抱道別。

  2. Fact-Based Reporting


    The three biggest players — CVS Caremark, Express Scripts and Optum Rx — collectively process roughly 80 percent of prescriptions in the United States.
    最大的三家公司—CVS Caremark、Express Scripts 和 Optum Rx—共處理了美國約 80% 的處方藥。

  3. Problem-Solution Structure

    這篇文章採用「問題-解決」結構,首先提出問題(小型藥房被淘汰出局),並解釋問題發生的原因(由於藥房成效管理公司或 P.B.M. 的行為)。雖然它沒有提供直接的解決方案,但它設定問題的方式,促使讀者思考應該如何解決這個問題。參考例句:

    問題:Independent drugstores are being systematically underpaid and driven out of business by large P.B.M.s.
    獨立藥局被大型 P.B.M.s 有系統地壓低報酬,並將其趕出公司。

  4. Cause and Effect

    這篇文章使用因果關係的方法來說明 P.B.M.s 的作法所造成的後果。文章解釋這些大公司的行為如何直接導致獨立藥店關閉,導致鄉村和低收入地區出現「藥房荒漠」。參考例句:

    As the unprofitable transactions pile up, some are unable to stay afloat... They have disproportionately affected rural and low-income communities, creating so-called pharmacy deserts.

  5. Appeal to Authority


    According to more than 100 pharmacists around the country and dozens of examples of insurance paperwork and legal documents.
    根據全國 100 多位藥劑師及數十個保險文件與法律文件的範例。

  6. Specific Examples and Anecdotes

    具體的例子,例如 Jon Jacobs 藥房的關閉和血液稀釋劑 Eliquis 的定價,提供了更廣泛問題的具體證據。這些例子有助於闡明論點,讓讀者更容易理解抽象的問題。參考例句:

    For a month’s supply of the blood thinner Eliquis, several pharmacists in different states said, the big three P.B.M.s routinely paid them as much as $100 less than what it cost the pharmacies to buy the medication.
    不同州的幾位藥劑師說,就血液稀釋劑 Eliquis 一個月的供應量而言,三大 P.B.M.s 向他們支付的費用通常比藥店購買藥物的成本低 100 美元之多。

  7. Contrast

    這篇文章將獨立藥店的經驗與大型 P.B.M. 聯營藥房的經驗進行對比,強調不公平的作法讓大藥商受惠,卻讓小藥商受損。參考例句:

    By contrast, the P.B.M.s sometimes pay their own pharmacies more than what they pay local drugstores for the same medications.

  8. Emotional Appeal (Pathos)

    這篇文章運用情感訴求,著重於 Jon Jacobs 的個人故事以及對農村社區的廣泛影響。此策略旨在喚起讀者的共鳴和關注,使他們更有可能關心此問題。參考例句:

    Now the town was losing its only health care provider.




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