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托福閱讀英漢對照 071 P1—Electrical Energy from the Ocean


托福 071 閱讀測驗第一篇是以海洋能量轉換為電能的可能性為主題,對於目前可能的海洋能源使用方式做分類說明以及可行性評估。


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本篇文章共分 8 段,從海洋儲存巨大能量,到包含潮汐發電等四種可能的能量轉化方式,一一說明各種方法的必備條件與可能的發展前景。


Electrical Energy from the Ocean 來自海洋的電能

  1. 海洋能源儲量高

    Solar energy reaching Earth is responsible for differential heating of the atmosphere and thus air circulation as wind. Some of the energy of wind is transferred to the oceans, where it causes waves and is partly responsible for oceanic currents, although Earth's rotation also plays a role in currents. Gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun and Moon generates tides and, along with Earth's rotation, causes most coastal areas to experience a twice-daily rise and fall of sea level. In short, the oceans possess a tremendous reservoir of largely untapped energy.


  2. 四種可能發展

    If we could effectively harness the energy possessed by the oceans, an almost limitless, largely nonpolluting energy supply would be ensured. Unfortunately, ocean energy is diffuse, meaning that the amount of energy for a given volume of water is small and thus difficult to concentrate and use. Several ways of using ocean energy are being considered or are under development, and one is currently in use, although it accounts for only a tiny proportion of all energy production. Of the several sources of ocean energy—temperature differences with depth, currents, waves, and tides—only the last shows much promise for the near future.


  3. 溫差發電條件

    Ocean water at depth might be as much as 25° C colder than surface water, a difference that allows for ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). OTEC exploits this temperature difference to run turbines and generate electricity. The amount of energy available is enormous, but a number of practical problems must be solved before it can be used. For one thing, any potential site must be close to land and also have a sufficiently rapid change with depth to result in the required temperature difference. Furthermore, enormous quantities of warm and cold seawater would have to circulate through an electrical-generating plant, thus requiring that large surface areas be devoted to this purpose.

    海洋深處的水可能比表面的水冷 25°C,這種差異使海洋熱能轉換(OTEC)成為可行。OTEC 利用這種溫差來運轉渦輪機與發電。可用的能量相當巨大,但在使用之前必須解決一些實際問題。首先,任何潛在的地點必須靠近陸地,並且有足夠快的深度變化,以導致所需的溫差。此外,大量的冷暖海水必須在發電站中循環流動,因此需要有廣大的地表面積用於此目的。

  4. 溫差發電現況

    The concept of OTEC is more than a century old, but despite several decades of research, no commercial OTEC plants are operating or even under construction, although small experimental ones have been tested in Hawaii and Japan.

    OTEC 的概念已經有一個多世紀的歷史,但是儘管有幾十年的研究,目前並沒有商業的 OTEC 工廠在運行,甚至也沒有在建造當中,儘管在夏威夷和日本已經測試了小型的實驗性工廠。

  5. 洋流發電

    Wind-generated ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, which flows along the east coast of North America, also possess energy that might be tapped to generate electricity. Unlike streams that can be dammed to impound a reservoir, any electrical generating facility exploiting oceanic currents would have to concentrate currents’ diffuse energy and contend with any unpredictable changes in direction. In addition, whereas hydroelectric generating plants on land depend on the rapid movement of water from a higher elevation to the turbines, the energy of ocean currents comes from their flow velocity, which is at most a few kilometers per hour.


  6. 波浪發電

    The most obvious form of energy in the oceans lies in waves. Harnessing wave energy and converting it to electricity is not a new idea, and it has been used on an extremely limited scale. Unfortunately, the energy possessed by a wave is distributed along its crest and is difficult to concentrate. Furthermore, any facility would have to be designed to withstand the effects of storms and saltwater corrosion. The Japanese have developed wave-energy devices to power lighthouses and buoys, and a facility capable of providing power to about 300 homes began operating in Scotland during September 2000.

    海洋中最明顯的能源形式在於波浪。利用波浪能並將其轉換為電能並不是一個新的想法,而且已經在極其有限的範圍內使用。不幸的是,波浪所擁有的能量是沿著波峰分佈的,很難集中。此外,任何設施的設計都必須能夠承受風暴和鹽水腐蝕的影響。日本已經開發了波浪能裝置,為燈塔和浮標供電,2000 年 9 月,一個能夠為大約 300 個家庭提供電力的設施開始在蘇格蘭運行。

  7. 潮汐發電條件

    Perhaps tidal power is the most promising form of ocean energy. In fact, it has been used for centuries in some coastal areas to run mills, but its use at present for electrical generation is limited. Most coastal areas experience a twice-daily rise and fall of tides, but only a few areas are suitable for exploiting this energy source. One limitation is that the tidal range must be at least five meters, and there must also be a coastal region where water can be stored following high tide.


  8. 潮汐發電限制

    Suitable sites for using tidal power are limited not only by tidal range but also by location. Many areas along the U.S. Gulf Coast would certainly benefit from tidal power plants, but a tide range of generally less than one meter precludes the possibility of development. Even areas with an appropriate tidal range such as the Arctic islands of Canada offer little potential because of their great distances from population centers.



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