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托福閱讀英漢對照 071 P2—Minoan Palaces


托福 071 閱讀測驗第二篇主題為米諾斯的宮廷文化,將這個在古希臘時期著名的文化中宮廷在管理、儲藏、分配、貿易上的功能一一介紹。


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本篇文章共分 5 段,從米諾斯的宮廷時代期間,宮廷的內外構造,到宮廷在地方上以及國際上扮演的角色,詳細說明這個在希臘時期位於特里特島的文化特徵。


Minoan Palaces 米諾斯的宮廷

  1. 米諾斯宮廷時代

    The Minoan culture on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea flourished from about 3000to 1100 B.C. In what is known as the Palace Period (ca. 2000-1450 B.C.), power was centralized in palaces and, later, in villas. According to one authority, the five primary economic functions of Minoan palaces during much of the Palace era were (1) production of manufactured goods, (2) consumption of food and manufactured goods. (3) regulation of local and internal exchange. (4) regulation of international and external exchange, and (5) use as depositories (storage facilities).

    愛琴海克里特島上的米諾斯文化從公元前 3000 年到 1100 年蓬勃發展。在所謂的宮廷時代(約公元前 2000-1450 年),權力集中於宮廷,後來又集中於莊園。根據一位權威人士的說法,在宮廷時代的大部分時間裡,米諾斯宮廷的五個主要經濟功能是:(1) 生產製成品;(2) 消費食品和製成品。(3) 調節當地和內部的交換。(4) 調節國際和外部的交換,(5) 作為儲藏室(儲存設施)。

  2. 宮廷內區域

    The production and storage of manufactured goods are evident from the archaeological digs at Phaistos and Mallia (two important palace sites). Excavations of the earliest phases at Phaistos (those from the so-called First Palace Period, which ended about 1700 B.C.) revealed two areas dedicated to economic activity. Unit A contained several large storage vessels originally filled with foodstuffs, including liquids such as wine and oil. Nearby Unit B was the palace workshop. Here, excavators found tools used for stoneworking (a lapidary workshop), several loom weights (a weaving workshop), and two potter's wheels (a ceramics workshop). Clay sealings from a smaller room in Unit B may indicate where finished products were processed for storage or export. By the Second Palace Period (roughly 1700-1450 B.C.), there were even more food storage vessels present and an archive room (a room for storing documents).

    在菲斯托斯和馬利亞(兩處重要的宮廷所在地)的考古挖掘中,可以看到製成品的生產和儲存。對菲斯托斯最早階段的挖掘(那些來自所謂的第一宮廷時期,大約在公元前 1700 年結束)發現了兩個專門用於經濟活動的區域。A 單元包含了幾個大型的儲存器皿,最初裝滿了食品,包括酒和油等液體。靠近 B 單元的是宮廷作坊。在這裡,挖掘者發現了用於石器加工的工具(青石工坊)、幾個織布機的砝碼(紡織工坊)和兩個陶器輪子(陶瓷工坊)。B 單元中一個較小房間的粘土封條可能顯示成品是在這裡加工儲存或出口的。到了第二宮廷時期(大約是公元前 1700-1450 年),有更多的食物儲存器皿出現,還有一個檔案室(儲存文件的房間)。

  3. 宮廷外設施

    Similar finds appeared at Mallia. In the northwest quarter of the palace, excavators discovered obsidian, soapstone, and a reddish marble called rosso antico, all evidently part of the lapidary (stonecutting) workshop. A potter's workshop was also present within the palace walls. During part of this period, the workshop of a bronze smithy was located just outside the palace walls. It is actually surprising that such an industry would be so close to any residential quarters, considering the unpleasant fumes given off by the work and the rather high potential for fires. Nevertheless, at a somewhat later date, the palace walls were extended so that the smithy was located within the palace itself. Clearly, this was an industry over which the palace wanted to keep very close control.

    類似的發現也出現在馬利亞。在宮廷的西北區,挖掘者發現了黑曜石、皂石和一種叫做 rosso antico 的紅色大理石,顯然都是青石器(石器)作坊的一部分。宮牆內也有一個陶器作坊。在此時期的部分時間裡,一個青銅器鐵匠鋪就在宮牆外。考慮到工作中散發的不愉快的煙霧和相當高的火災隱患,這樣的行業會離任何住宅區如此之近,實際上令人驚訝。然而,在稍後的日子裡,宮廷的圍牆被擴建,因此鐵匠鋪就位於宮廷內。很明顯,這是一個皇宮想要密切控制的行業。

  4. 宮廷儲物對內角色

    The role of Minoan palaces as depositories and regulators of local distribution and trade may be seen in the koulouras—large, stone-lined pits located at Knossos, Phaistos, and in a slightly altered guise at Mallia. There is continued debate as to the purpose of these huge storage bins. It was originally suggested that they were rubbish pits. Some modern scholars believe that they were giant tree planters. But the usual interpretation is that they were for grain storage, with the koulouras at Knossos being able to hold enough grain to feed 1,000 people and the koulouras at Phaistos being able to hold enough for 300 people. In such a case, the palace would have received a substantial portion of the agricultural produce of the surrounding farms, stored it, and then distributed it to the more specialized, nonagricultural populace of the palace region.

    米諾斯人的宮廷在當地分配和貿易中扮演著儲藏室和監管者的角色,這一點可以從庫魯拉斯 (koulouras)  看出—這是位於克諾索斯、斐斯托斯的大型石坑,而在馬利亞則其外觀有受到稍加改變。米諾斯人的宮廷作為存放和管理當地分配和貿易的機構,關於這些巨大的儲物箱的用途,一直存在爭議。最初有人認為它們是垃圾坑。一些現代學者認為,它們是巨大的植樹盆。但通常的解釋是,它們是用來儲存穀物的,克諾索斯的庫魯拉斯能夠容納足夠的穀物來養活 1,000 人,而菲斯托斯的庫魯拉斯能夠容納足夠 300 人的糧食。在這種情況下,皇宮會接收周圍農場的大部分農產品,將其儲存起來,然後分發給皇宮地區更專業的、非農業的居民。

  5. 宮廷對外貿的控制

    Palatial control over foreign trade is more difficult to prove archaeologically, as there is often no way to determine where on Crete any specific item found abroad was made. One argument often brought to the fore is that only the palaces would have the capital (to use a modern term) to finance the goods and shipping for long trade journeys, not to mention to handle the risks of possible sea wrecks. Another argument, however, lies in the nature of the Minoan goods found abroad. For example, Kamares ware pottery from Minoan Crete has come to light on the coasts of Cyprus and in areas of the Near East such as Egypt and Syria. This Kamares ware is clearly a product of palatial manufacture. The ceramics from before and after the classical Kamares wares are clearly local creations—Knossian ware being distinct from Malhan ware. By contrast, the Kamares ware made in the palaces is similar from palace to palace but is utterly distinct from the provincial wares. The number of foreign goods stored in the palaces, especially Zakro, also gives evidence for the palatial control of international exchange.

    宮廷對外貿的控制在考古學上更難證明,因為通常沒有辦法確定在國外發現的任何具體物品是在克里特島的什麼地方製造的。一個經常被提出來的論點是,只有宮廷才有資本(用一個現代的術語)來資助長期貿易旅行的貨物和航運,更不用說處理可能的海難風險了。然而,另一個論點在於在國外發現的米諾斯貨物的性質。例如,來自米諾斯克里特島的卡馬萊斯器皿陶器已經在塞浦路斯海岸以及埃及和敘利亞等近東地區被發現。這種卡馬萊斯器皿顯然是宮廷製造的產品。古典卡馬萊斯器物之前和之後的陶瓷顯然是當地的創造物—Knossian 器皿與 Malhan 器皿不同。相比之下,在宮廷裡製造的卡馬萊斯器皿在各個宮廷之間是相似的,但與省內的器皿完全不同。儲存在宮廷裡的外國貨物的數量,特別是 Zakro,也證明了宮廷對國際交易的控制。


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