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托福閱讀英漢對照 067 P1—Crop Engineering


托福 067 閱讀測驗第一篇以農業中對於作物進行的去蕪存菁培育發展過程進行說明,分析從遠古到近代的一系列發展,並列舉近代農業發展的三大影響因素。


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本篇文章共分 7 段,將人類從農業時代開始之後的原始育種方式,一直到近代以科學為基礎的高效率作物工程進行分析說明,闡釋人類在此方面的巨幅進步。


Crop Engineering 作物工程

  1. 作物工程歷史悠久

    Our current ability to precisely engineer crop genomes was preceded by a long history of genetic manipulation in agriculture. Human impact and its accompanying effects began early in our history at many tropical and subtropical sites around the globe. Our ancestors were omnivores, consuming whatever plant or animal material they fortuitously encountered. Even then, humans had considerable effects on the environment, reducing and even driving to extinction populations of the animal species they hunted and expanding the distribution of plants by accidentally distributing seeds as they migrated.


  2. 農業開始

    Humans probably first realized that seeds could yield a stable food supply through agriculture when they observed plants arising from refuse or wasteland, perhaps fruit trees growing along forest and jungle paths from discarded or defecated seeds or else vegetables sprouting in garbage dumps at temporary settlements. A more organized approach to agriculture began about eight to ten thousand years ago coincidentally at a number of locations around the globe. The most diverse farming developed in the Near East, with legumes, cereals, flax, sesame, and fruit trees. At about the same time, New World residents were growing beans, maize, squashes, and potatoes, and Asian farmers were beginning to cultivate rice.


  3. 挑選種子

    These early domesticated crops foreshadowed the overwhelming changes contemporary agriculture has wrought in plants. Humans soon learned to separate varieties that could be grown as crops from wild types in order to prevent characteristics undesirable for cultivation from mingling with those selected for farming. Continued selection of crops with desirable characteristics increased the separation between feral (wild) and managed plants and accelerated the diminishing diversity and more limited variation found in today's crops.


  4. 育種與農業擴展

    The simplest way to select crops is to save seeds preferentially from plants with beneficial traits, and the first farmers selected for large seeds and fruit, increased seed production, lack of dormancy, faster germination, higher annual yield, and reduced seed scattering. The success of this early selection resulted in an accelerating impact of agriculture on crop diversity and feral plants. Crops quickly became commodities, moved and traded over a rapidly widening area, so that many plants were distributed well beyond their previous ranges, and some throughout the globe.


  5. 人口增加

    Three phenomena have characterized the more recent impact of agriculture on Earth. The first was the increase in human population, which has doubled at shorter and shorter intervals over the last thousand years. The result was increased acreage under cultivation and a fundamental remodeling of the globe toward managed rather than wild ecosystems. By 1998 there were 3,410,523,800 acres of land under cultivation worldwide, an area larger than the United States. Entire ecosystems have disappeared, others remain but are threatened, and the sheer volume of people and area of farmland have been major forces of biological change.

    有三個現象代表了農業對地球較近期的影響。首先是人類人口的增加,在過去的一千年裡,人口翻倍的間隔越來越短。其結果是耕地面積的增加,以及全球向管理型而非野生型生態系統的根本重塑。到 1998 年,全世界有 3,410,523,800 英畝的耕地,這個面積比美國還大。整個生態系統已經消失,其他的生態系統仍然存在,但受到威脅,而人口數量和農田面積已經成為生物變化的主要力量。

  6. 歐洲殖民

    The second event through which agriculture modified our planet was European colonization. Previously, migration and trade had moved crops between countries and continents, but the Europeans inaugurated an unprecedented dispersal of biological material worldwide. Maize, tomatoes, and potatoes were transported from the New World to the Old; wheat, rye, and barley were carried from the Old World to the New; and rice, soybeans, and alfalfa were moved from their Asian sources to every arable continent. Each of these and innumerable other introductions conveyed not only unique material but also assemblages of introduced plant pests and diseases that today cause the majority of pest-management problems around the world.


  7. 科學先驅

    The third factor shaping the nature of agriculture and the environment alike is the increasing precision with which we have selected and bred crops. This acuity stemmed from many advances, but at its heart lies the work of two men—one, the English naturalist Charles Darwin, and the other, an Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel. The concepts of evolution and genetics were not their work alone, but both of them were decades ahead of their colleagues in synthesizing the companion concepts of natural selection and inheritance that are at the core of all contemporary biological science and that form the substrate upon which biotechnology grew.



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