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托福閱讀英漢對照 067 P2—Human Activity and the Archaeological Record


托福 067 閱讀測驗第二篇主題是人類活動與考古記錄,說明考古紀錄的主要形成方式,以及不同考古器物來源對於研究方法的影響,同時指出考古學面臨到的某些困難之處。


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本篇文章共分 5 段,考古證據的形成過程,到人類生活器物以及埋藏物所遺留給後世考古學家的分析材料,說明考古學面對前人遺物時所面臨的問題與研究方式。


Human Activity and the Archaeological Record 人類活動與考古記錄

  1. 考古證據的形成過程

    Archaeologists distinguish the “cultural” formation processes of the archaeological record (those involving some kind of human activity) from the “natural” formation processes (those involving nonhuman activity, such as river action disturbing archaeological material). There are two kinds of cultural formation processes: those that reflect the original human behavior and activity before a find or site became buried and those (such as looting)that came after burial. Of course, most major archaeological sites are formed as the result of a complex sequence of use, burial, and reuse so that a simple twofold division of cultural formation processes may not be so simple to apply in practice, but the distinction is still useful.


  2. 人類生活器物的考古分析

    Original human behavior is often reflected archaeologically in at least four major activities: in the case of a tool, for example, there may be (1) acquisition of the raw material, (2) manufacture, (3) use, and (4) disposal or discard when the tool is worn out or broken. The tool may of course be reworked and recycled, thus repeating stages 2 and 3.) Similarly, a food crop such as wheat will be acquired (harvested), manufactured (processed), used (eaten), and discarded (digested and the waste products excreted), although here one might add a common intermediate stage of storage before use. From the archaeologist's point of view, the critical factor is that remains can enter the archaeological record at any one of these stages. A tool may be lost or thrown out for being of inferior quality during manufacture, or a crop may be accidentally burnt and thus preserved during processing. In order to reconstruct the original activity accurately it is therefore crucial to try to understand which of the stages one is looking at. It may be quite easy to identify the first stage for stone tools, for instance, because stone quarries can often be recognized by deep holes in the ground with piles of associated waste flakes that survive well. But it is much more difficult to know beyond reasonable doubt where a sample of charred plant remains comes from, whether from an area where harvested wheat was taken for threshing or from the area where the grain was eaten. This may also make it difficult to reconstruct the true plant diet, since certain activities may favor the preservation of certain species of plant.

    人類的原始行為在考古學上通常至少反映在四個主要活動中:以工具為例,可能有 (1) 獲取原材料,(2) 製造,(3) 使用,(4) 工具磨損或損壞後的處理或丟棄。當然,該工具可以被重新加工和回收,從而重複第二和第三階段。)同樣,像小麥這樣的糧食作物也要經過獲取(收穫)、製造(加工)、使用(食用)和丟棄(消化和排出廢品),不過這裡可以加上一個常見的中間階段,即使用前的儲存。從考古學家的角度來看,關鍵的因素是,遺物可以在這些階段中的任何一個階段進入考古記錄。某個工具可能在製造過程中因質量低劣而丟失或被扔掉,或者某種農作物可能在加工過程中意外被燒毀,從而被保存下來。因此,為了準確地重建原始活動,關鍵是要努力瞭解我們所關注的是哪個階段。例如,識別石器的第一階段可能很容易,因為採石場通常可以通過地面上的深洞和保存良好的成堆相關廢片來識別。但是,要想毫無疑義地知道燒焦的植物殘骸樣本來自何處,是來自收割的小麥被拿去脫粒的地方,還是來自糧食被吃掉的地方,就困難得多。這也可能使我們難以重建真實的植物飲食,因為某些活動可能有利於某些種類的植物的保存。

  3. 埋藏物的考古分析

    Deliberate burial of valuables or the dead is another human behavior that has left its mark on the archaeological record. In times of conflict or war, people often deposit prized possessions in the ground, intending to reclaim them at a later date; but sometimes, for one reason or another, they fail to do so. These hoards are a prime source of evidence for certain periods, such as the European Bronze Age, for which hoards of metal goods are common, or later Roman Britain, which has yielded buried treasures of silver and other precious metals. The archaeologist, however, may not find it easy to distinguish between hoards originally intended to be reclaimed and valuables buried—perhaps as offerings to supernatural powers—with no reclamation intended.


  4. 墓葬物的考古分析

    In addition to burial hoards, a major source of archaeological evidence comes from burial of the dead, whether in simple graves, elaborate burial mounds, or giant pyramids, usually with grave goods such as ceramic vessels or weapons, and sometimes with painted tomb-chamber walls as in ancient Mexico or Egypt. The Egyptians indeed went so far as to mummify their dead—to preserve them, they hoped, for eternity—as did the Incas of Peru whose kings were kept in the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco and brought outside for special ceremonies.


  5. 考古分析的意外收穫

    Human destruction of the archaeological record might be caused by burials of the kind just described being dug into earlier deposits. But people in the past deliberately or accidentally obliterated traces of their predecessors in innumerable other ways. Rulers often destroyed monuments or erased inscriptions belonging to previous chiefs or monarchs. On the other hand, some human destruction meant to obliterate has inadvertently preserved material for the archaeologist to find. Burning, for example, may not always destroy. Clay daubing and adobe usually decay, but if a structure has been burned, the mud is baked to the consistency of a brick.



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