Classic English Curio
2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (5)—Churchill, Manitoba
加拿大曼尼托巴省的邱吉爾市以其獨步全球的極光美景、北極熊與白鯨入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。
2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。
Churchill, Manitoba 邱吉爾市,加拿大曼尼托巴省
(附圖說明:The Northern Lights show during the aurora tourist season in Churchill, Manitoba. 曼尼托巴省邱吉爾市的極光旅遊季節的北極光表演。)
If you’ve always dreamed of seeing the aurora borealis, you’re in luck this year, as solar activity heads toward a peak in its roughly 11-year cycle. One of the best spots to catch the northern lights is this remote Hudson Bay outpost, which sits just below the “auroral oval,” meaning the sky often dances to life in even just-fine conditions—over 300 nights a year. Winter aurora-hunting has opened up a whole new tourist season in a town that has traditionally attracted the vast majority of its visitors during the fall polar-bear migration. The massive carnivores remain big business, of course, and to get travelers (safely) up close and personal with them, Frontiers North Adventures recently unveiled its electric Tundra Buggy®, a behemoth with 6-ft. tires that cruises over the ice at barely a whisper.
如果你一直夢想著看到北極光,今年你很幸運,因為太陽活動正走向其大約 11 年週期中的一個高峰。捕捉北極光的最佳地點之一是這個偏遠的哈德遜灣前哨站,它正好位於「極光橢圓」之下,這意味著在一年中超過 300 個夜晚,天空經常會出現生命之舞,哪怕只是條件尚可的情況下。冬季獵取極光為這個傳統上在秋季北極熊遷徙期間吸引了絕大多數遊客的小鎮開啟了一個全新的旅遊季節。當然,巨大的食肉動物仍然是大生意,為了讓遊客(安全地)與它們近距離接觸,Frontiers North Adventures 最近推出了電動苔原越野車®,這是一個擁有 6 英尺輪胎的龐然大物,在冰面上巡航時幾乎沒有任何聲響。
But polar bears aren’t the only big white animals to make Churchill special: thousands of belugas enter these waters in the summer, and tour companies are finding new ways to introduce travelers to these famously vocal “canaries of the sea.” Frontiers North partnered with marine biologist Valeria Vergara, who studies “language” acquisition in baby belugas (aww!), on its new Conservation Journey itinerary, while Lazy Bear Expeditions is set to unveil its newest catamaran, the Matonabee, featuring 12 underwater windows for getting face-to-melon-head with the inquisitive cetaceans.
但北極熊並不是唯一讓邱吉爾變得特別的大型白色動物:數以千計的白鯨在夏季進入這些水域,旅遊公司正在尋找新的方式,向遊客介紹這些著名的「海洋金絲雀」。Frontiers North 與研究小白鯨「語言」習得的海洋生物學家 Valeria Vergara 合作,推出了新的保護之旅行程,而Lazy Bear Expeditions 將推出其最新的雙體船 Matonabee 號,該船有 12 個水下視窗,可以與好奇的鯨類面對面交流。
About the author
化工博士卻因強烈興趣而投身英語教學,累積超過 30 年的經驗,謝忠理以理工思維突破英語教學迷思,研發專門針對華人的教學方法,自成體系,主攻字彙、文法、閱讀、寫作。教學科目涵蓋 GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, ACT 及實力養成課程,強調實力與分數並進。上課認真嚴肅,下課和藹可親,思緒周密,喜論理,如其名。