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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (6)—Aarhus, Denmark


丹麥的奧爾胡斯以其海上活動,尖端建築入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





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2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Aarhus, Denmark 奧爾胡斯,丹麥

The Ole Rømer Observatory Science Park in Aarhus, Denmark.
(附圖說明:The Ole Rømer Observatory Science Park in Aarhus, Denmark. 位於丹麥奧爾胡斯的 Ole Rømer 天文臺科學園。)


    Design-driven Aarhus has long embraced the sea, and this year even more so. In early summer, the city’s harbor will transform into a maritime celebration as a host of the Ocean Race, one of the longest round-the-world sailing challenges, with in-port races and other events.



    Aarhus’s cuisine abounds with innovative seafood, including at the Michelin-starred Substans, where you can dine on lobster from the Bay of Aarhus while taking in views of it. At Frederikshøj, awarded a second Michelin star in 2022, the playful cuisine might include truffles from Marselisborg Forest or oysters from Venø island.

    奧爾胡斯的美食充滿了創新的海鮮,包括在米其林星級餐廳 Substans,在那裡你可以一邊欣賞奧爾胡斯灣的景色,一邊吃龍蝦。在 2022 年被授予第二顆米其林星的弗雷德里克索伊 (Frederikshøj),有趣的美食可能包括來自馬塞利斯堡森林的松露或來自維諾島的牡蠣。


    The ocean even frames the city’s cutting-edge architecture, including Dokk1, one of the largest libraries in Scandinavia, and the Bjarke Ingels-designed harbor bath, where you can splash in floating seawater pools. Explore the history of Aarhus’s seafaring founders–the Vikings–at the Moesgaard Museum, an architectural marvel with a grass roof.

    海洋甚至還襯托出這座城市的尖端建築,包括斯堪的納維亞半島最大的圖書館之一的 Dokk1,以及比亞克.英格爾斯設計的港口浴場,在那裡你可以在漂浮的海水池中嬉戲。在莫埃斯加德博物館 (Moesgaard Museum) 探索奧爾胡斯的航海創始人—維京人—的歷史,這是一個有草頂的建築奇跡。


    Gaze at the Nordic skies at the newly reopening, beautifully restored, 112-year-old Ole Rømer Observatory, or at the ARoS art museum, which is crowned with a rainbow walkway by artist Olafur Eliasson.

    在新近重新開放的、經過精美修復的、有 112 年歷史的奧勒.羅默天文臺,或者在 ARoS 藝術博物館,凝視著北歐的天空,該博物館以藝術家奧拉維爾.埃利亞松的彩虹通道為冠。


    Then rise above the center of Aarhus at the Salling department store, which last year unveiled a magical urban garden on its rooftop terrace, and take in sweeping city views.

    然後在薩林百貨公司 (Salling department store) 登上奧爾胡斯市中心的高空,該公司去年在其屋頂露臺上推出了一個神奇的城市花園,並欣賞到廣闊的城市景觀。

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