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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (8)—Aqaba, Jordan


約旦亞喀巴以其山景、電影 Dune 的沙漠景觀、海景和水下活動、與豪華郵輪之旅入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





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2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Aqaba, Jordan 亞喀巴,約旦

A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras.
(附圖說明:Memories Aicha Luxury Camp, in Aqaba, Jordan. 位於約旦亞喀巴的 Memories Aicha 豪華營地。)


    Set against the rust-colored Wadi Rum mountains, Aqaba is the only coastal city in the country of Jordan, on the northern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. The ancient city of Petra—a New Wonder of the World—is just 78 miles away through desert haze. The otherworldly landscape might look familiar to visitors as the planet Arrakis in Dune. The sci-fi franchise’s second installment, which premieres this November, was also filmed in the extraordinarily dramatic scenery of the Wadi Rum reserve, referred to as the “Valley of the Moon” and previously famous as the backdrop for Lawrence of Arabia.

    亞喀巴以鐵銹色的瓦迪拉姆山為背景,是阿拉伯半島北端的約旦的唯一沿海城市。古城佩特拉—世界新奇觀之一—距離沙漠中的霧氣只有 78 英里。遊客們可能會對這個異世界的景觀感到熟悉,因為它是《沙丘》中的阿拉基斯星球。這部科幻系列電影的第二部將於今年 11 月首映,也是在被稱為「月之谷」具有特殊戲劇性的風景的瓦迪拉姆保護區中拍攝的,這裡以前曾作為《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》的背景而聞名。


    But it’s not just the dunes that are bringing new visitors to Aqaba this year; it’s the sea. In the Gulf of Aqaba, Aqaba Marine Park aims to preserve its marine biosphere, which includes coral reefs and 19 dive sites, as well as an underwater walking experience or glass-bottom boats for those looking to stay dry.

    但今年為亞喀巴帶來新遊客的不僅僅是沙丘,還有大海。在亞喀巴海灣,亞喀巴海洋公園旨在保護其海洋生物圈,其中包括珊瑚礁和 19 個潛水點,以及水下步行體驗,或者為那些希望保持乾燥的人提供玻璃底船。


    Jordan’s first cruise terminal, inaugurated in January, welcomes an influx of cruisers to Aqaba as well. The Port of Aqaba anticipates a 25 percent increase in passenger ships for 2023, including an inaugural visit from luxury cruise line Windstar. From the mega ships of MSC Cruises to superyacht Emerald Azzurra, sailing the Middle East demands a port of call at the tip of the Red Sea where four countries meet. For those watching from shore, there’s the five-star Marriott property the Al Manara, a Marriott Luxury Collection Hotel.

    約旦的第一個郵輪碼頭於一月落成,也歡迎大量的遊輪湧入亞喀巴。亞喀巴港預計 2023 年的客船數量將增加 25%,包括豪華郵輪公司 Windstar 的首次訪問。從地中海郵輪公司的大型船舶到超級遊艇 Emerald Azzurra,在中東航行需要在四國交界的紅海頂端停靠。對於那些在岸上觀看的人來說,有一個五星級的 Al Manara,屬於萬豪豪華系列酒店

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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (9)—Kyoto
不負責小道消息:托福即將於 2023/07 改版

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