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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (9)—Kyoto


日本的京都以其絕美櫻花、美食餐廳、寺廟與神社、以及藝術展出入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





課程說明請點選下列按鈕,並歡迎預約試聽 (實體、雲端)。

2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Kyoto 京都

A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras.
(附圖說明:Cherry blossoms in full bloom at the Lake Biwa Canal in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture.  京都都京都市琵琶湖運河上盛開的櫻花。)


    Japan’s unofficial capital of culture is teeming with events this year as independent foreign travelers gain access to the country for the first time since before the pandemic this October. (Visitors have been able to come to Japan with tour groups for less than a year.)

    日本的非官方文化之都今年充滿了各種活動,因為自今年 10 月起自由行的外國旅行者得以在新冠大流行之後首次進入該國。(遊客能夠隨旅行團來日本的時間還不到一年)。


    Close on the heels of René Redzepi’s world-famous Noma closing its doors in Copenhagen, the restaurant announced it would launch a Noma pop-up in Kyoto from March 15 to May 20, 2023, at the Ace Hotel Kyoto. The much-buzzed-about pop-up will prioritize local produce harvested during cherry-blossom season. Visitors can also stay at the hotel, which is Asia’s first Ace.

    緊接著 René Redzepi 的世界著名的 Noma 餐廳在哥本哈根關門,該餐廳宣佈它將於 2023 年 3 月 15 日至 5 月 20 日在京都的 Ace 酒店 推出 Noma 快閃店。這家備受關注的快閃餐廳將優先以在櫻花盛開季節收成的當地產品入菜。遊客也可以入住該酒店,這是亞洲第一家 Ace 酒店。


    When the cherry blossoms peak in April, the art is outside, vibrant pops of pink adding to Kyoto’s architectural appeal with its traditional Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Indoors, the Kyoto City Kyocera Museum of Art, recently reopened after a redesign, has regular special exhibitions such as “Marie Laurencin et la mode” (through June 11), which traces women’s postwar fashion, as does the Fukuda Art Museum, an establishment borne from Fukuda Yoshitaka’s love affair with art and his native city.

    當四月櫻花盛開的時候,藝術就在外面,鮮豔的粉紅色為京都以傳統佛教寺廟和神道教神社的建築魅力再添色彩。在室內,京都市京瓷藝術博物館在重新設計後最近重新開放,有定期的特別展覽,如《瑪麗.勞倫森與時尚》(至 6 月 11 日),該展覽追溯了戰後婦女的時尚,福田藝術博物館也是如此,該博物館的建立源于福田義隆對藝術和他的家鄉城市的熱愛。


    In July, one of Japan’s largest festivals, the Gion Matsuri Festival, brings parades and people into the streets to party. And in August, bonfires, viewed from hotels and restaurants around town, light up the city as the Gozan Okuribi Festival pays homage to the dead.

    7 月,日本最大的節日之一的祇園祭(Gion Matsuri Festival)將遊行隊伍和人們帶到街上狂歡。而在 8 月,從城裡的酒店和餐館看去,篝火照亮了整個城市,其來自於向死者表示敬意的 五山送火祭 。


    Stay at the Roku Kyoto, Hilton’s first property in the city, or Dhawa Yura Kyoto, a Banyan Tree hotel, which will be joined by Banyan Tree Higashiyama Kyoto later this year.

    住在希爾頓在該市的第一家酒店 Roku Kyoto,或者住在悅榕莊酒店 Dhawa Yura Kyoto,該酒店將在今年晚些時候加入悅榕莊東山京都。

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托福閱讀英漢對照 075 P2—The Palaces of Minoan Crete
2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (8)—Aqaba, Jordan

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