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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (13)—Willamette Valley, Oregon


俄勒岡州威拉米特谷以其優美的葡萄園、風味各異的葡萄酒莊與品酒室以及精品旅館入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





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2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Willamette Valley, Oregon 俄勒岡州威拉米特谷

A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras.
(附圖說明:A view of the Ponzi Vineyards in Willamette Valley, Ore. 位於俄勒岡州威拉米特谷的龐氏葡萄園的景色。)


    The wine world let out a collective gasp in 2021 when Champagne house Bollinger made its first acquisition outside of France: not some place in Napa or Sonoma, but Ponzi Vineyards, which set the standard for Oregon winemaking back in the 1970s. The Willamette Valley had really, really made it, but for those in the know, the ascendance of the pinot noir powerhouse in Portland’s backyard seemed almost inevitable. In the past two decades, the number of wineries in the state’s first American Viticultural Area (AVA) has grown from 135 to more than 700 today, which has translated to a near constant flood of new labels (such as Iterum Wines), new lodging (the nine-room bed and breakfast The Ground, opening in 2023), new tasting rooms (of note is Montinore Estate and its sister brand Landlines Winery’s biodynamic tasting room), and new missions (Corollary is becoming the valley’s first sparkling-only estate this year).

    2021 年,當香檳酒廠 Bollinger 在法國以外的地方進行首次收購時,葡萄酒世界發出了集體的喘息聲:不是納帕或索諾瑪的某個地方,而是龐氏葡萄園 (Ponzi Vineyards),它在 20 世紀 70 年代就為俄勒岡州的釀酒業設定了標準。威拉米特山谷真的,真的成功了,但對那些知情者來說,波特蘭後院的黑皮諾酒莊的崛起似乎是不可避免的。在過去的二十年裡,該州第一個美國葡萄栽培區 (AVA) 的釀酒廠數量從 135 家增加到今天的 700 多家,這使得新品牌(如Iterum葡萄酒)幾乎不斷湧現。新的住宿設施(有九個房間的床位附早餐的 The Ground,2023 年開業),新的品酒室(值得注意的是 Montinore Estate 及其姐妹品牌 Landlines Winery 的生物動力品酒室),以及新的使命(Corollary 今年將成為山谷中第一個僅有氣泡酒的莊園)。


    In July, the eight-suite Tributary Hotel changed the game when it opened in a more-than-a-century-old former hardware store in downtown McMinnville, with celebrated chef Matthew Lightner—formerly of New York City’s two-Michelin-starred Atera—at the helm of its restaurant, ōkta. Sourced heavily from Lightner’s nearby farm, the micro-seasonal tasting menu might include hazelnut tofu, cedar-smoked caviar, or aged and cured Pacific rockfish, depending on what’s freshest.

    去年 7 月,擁有 8 間套房的 Tributary 酒店改變了遊戲規則,它在麥克明維爾市中心一家有超過一個世紀歷史的前五金店開業,由紐約市米其林二星級酒店 Atera 的名廚馬修.萊特納 (Matthew Lightner) 掌舵其餐廳 ōkta。Ōkta 餐廳的食材主要來自 Lightner 附近的農場,微型季節性品嘗菜單可能包括榛子豆腐、雪松薰制的魚子醬或陳年醃制的太平洋岩魚,取決於當時最新鮮的是什麼。


    Also leading the charge to transform the area is winemaker Remy Drabkin. When she’s not busy turning out award-winning old-world Italian varietals like dolcetto and lagrein at Remy Wines, Drabkin is fighting for industry inclusivity with her organization Wine Country Pride, which hosted the world’s first queer wine festival here last June. And, oh yeah, did we mention that in November she was elected the first female mayor in McMinnville’s 140-year history?

    釀酒師雷咪.德拉布金 (Remy Drabkin) 也在領導該地區的轉型工作。當她不忙著在雷咪酒業生產多塞托和拉格林等獲獎的舊世界義大利品種時,德拉布金正與她的組織 Wine Country Pride 為行業的包容性而奮鬥,該組織去年 6 月在這裡舉辦了世界上第一個同性戀葡萄酒節。哦,對了,我們有沒有提到,在 11 月,她當選為麥克明維爾 140 年歷史上的第一位女市長?

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美中對決—《經濟學人》懶人包 No. 9340 (2023/04/01)

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