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劍橋雅思 14 閱讀英漢對照 T1P3—Motivational factors & hospitality industry


劍橋雅思 14 測驗第一回閱讀第三篇是一份關於酒店業經營中的人力資源管理研究報告彙整,內容為整理各家學者所進行的研究報告重要結論,探討酒店業者為提高員工的工作滿意度,並進而積極任事以及提高留任比例所可以採取的有效管理措施。


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本篇文章共分 12 段,探討們對於酒店業經營所面到員工滿意度與留任率提升的管理問題,文章中整理重要學者對於相關問題的研究報告與所提建議,藉以說明酒店業管理在人力資源管理上所需要的投資與可預期的管理績效。


Motivational factors & hospitality industry 激勵因素與酒店業

  1. 酒店業的人力管理資源

    A critical ingredient in the success of hotels is developing and maintaining superior performance from their employees. How is that accomplished? What Human Resource Management (HRM) practices should organizations invest in to acquire and retain great employees?

    酒店成功的一個關鍵因素是發展和保持員工的卓越表現。如何實現此一目標?組織應該投資哪些人力資源管理 (HRM) 實踐來獲得和留任優秀的員工?

  2. 傳統酒店業的缺失

    Some hotels aim to provide superior working conditions for their employees. The idea originated from workplaces – usually in the non-service sector – that emphasized fun and enjoyment as part of work-life balance. By contrast, the service sector, and more specifically hotels, has traditionally not extended these practices to address basic employee needs, such as good working conditions.


  3. 人力資源管理的投資

    Pfeffer (1994) emphasizes that in order to succeed in a global business environment, organizations must make investment in Human Resource Management (HRM) to allow them to acquire employees who possess better skills and capabilities than their competitors. This investment will be to their competitive advantage. Despite this recognition of the importance of employee development, the hospitality industry has historically been dominated by underdeveloped HR practices (Lucas, 2002).

    Pfeffer (1994) 強調,為了在全球商業環境中取得成功,組織必須在人力資源管理 (HRM) 方面進行投資,使他們能夠獲得比競爭對手擁有更好技能和能力的員工。這種投資將為他們帶來競爭優勢。儘管認識到了員工發展的重要性,但酒店業在歷史上一直被不發達的人力資源實踐所支配 (Lucas, 2002) 。

  4. 員工流失反映管理問題

    Lucas also points out that ‘the substance of HRM practices does not appear to be designed to foster constructive relations with employees or to represent a managerial approach that enables developing and drawing out the full potential of people, even though employees may be broadly satisfied with many aspects of their work’ (Lucas, 2002). In addition, or maybe as a result, high employee turnover has been a recurring problem throughout the hospitality industry. Among the many cited reasons are low compensation, inadequate benefits, poor working conditions and compromised employee morale and attitudes (Maroudas et al., 2008).

    Lucas 還指出,「人力資源管理實踐的實質似乎並不是為了促進與員工的建設性關係,也不是為了代表一種能夠發展和激發人們全部潛力的管理方法,儘管員工可能對他們工作的許多方面都很滿意」(Lucas, 2002)。此外,或者說因此,員工的高流失率一直是整個酒店業反覆出現的問題。在眾多被引用的原因中,包括低薪酬、福利不足、惡劣的工作條件以及員工的士氣和態度受到影響 (Maroudas等人,2008) 。

  5. 提高員工留任率的方式

    Ng and Sorensen (2008) demonstrated that when managers provide recognition to employees, motivate employees to work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective performance, employees feel more obligated to stay with the company. This was succinctly summarized by Michel et al. (2013): ‘[P]roviding support to employees gives them the confidence to perform their jobs better and the motivation to stay with the organization.’ Hospitality organizations can therefore enhance employee motivation and retention through the development and improvement of their working conditions. These conditions are inherently linked to the working environment.

    Ng 和 Sorensen (2008) 證明,當管理者對員工進行認可,激勵員工一起工作,並消除阻礙有效工作的障礙時,員工會感到更有義務留在公司。Michel 等人 (2013) 對此進行了簡潔的總結:「為員工提供支持,讓他們有信心更好地完成工作,並有動力留在組織中。」因此,酒店組織可以通過發展和改善員工的工作條件來提高員工的積極性和留任率。這些條件與工作環境有著內在的聯繫。

  6. 非工作相關因素的影響

    While it seems likely that employees’ reactions to their job characteristics could be affected by a predisposition to view their work environment negatively, no evidence exists to support this hypothesis (Spector et al., 2000). However, given the opportunity, many people will find something to complain about in relation to their workplace (Poulston, 2009). There is a strong link between the perceptions of employees and particular factors of their work environment that are separate from the work itself, including company policies, salary and vacations.

    雖然員工對其工作特點的反應似乎可能受到對工作環境負面看法的傾向性影響,但沒有證據支持這一假設 (Spector等人,2000) 。然而,只要有機會,很多人就會找到與他們的工作場所有關的抱怨 (Poulston, 2009) 。員工的看法與他們工作環境中獨立於工作本身之外的特定因素之間存在著密切的聯繫,包括公司政策、工資和假期。

  7. 豪華酒店業的問題

    Such conditions are particularly troubling for the luxury hotel market, where high-quality service, requiring a sophisticated approach to HRM, is recognized as a critical source of competitive advantage (Maroudas et al., 2008). In a real sense, the services of hotel employees represent their industry (Schneider and Bowen, 1993). This representation has commonly been limited to guest experiences. This suggests that there has been a dichotomy between the guest environment provided in luxury hotels and the working conditions of their employees.

    這樣的條件對於豪華酒店市場來說尤其令人不安,在那裡,高質量的服務需要複雜的人力資源管理方法,被認為是競爭優勢的重要來源 (Maroudas等人,2008) 。在真正意義上,酒店員工的服務代表了他們的行業 (Schneider 和 Bowen, 1993) 。這種代表通常被限制在客人的體驗上。這顯示在豪華酒店提供的客人環境和其員工的工作條件之間一直存在著二分法。

  8. 酒店管理須提供激勵因素

    It is therefore essential for hotel management to develop HRM practices that enable them to inspire and retain competent employees. This requires an understanding of what motivates employees at different levels of management and different stages of their careers (Enz and Siguaw, 2000). This implies that it is beneficial for hotel managers to understand what practices are most favorable to increase employee satisfaction and retention.

    因此,酒店管理層有必要制定人力資源管理措施,使他們能夠激勵和留住合格的員工。這需要瞭解在不同的管理層次和不同的職業階段,是什麼在激勵著員工 (Enz 和 Siguaw, 2000) 。這意味著酒店管理者瞭解哪些做法最有利於提高員工的滿意度和留任率是有好處的。

  9. 與工作有關的外在激勵因素

    Herzberg (1966) proposes that people have two major types of needs, the first being extrinsic motivation factors relating to the context in which work is performed, rather than the work itself. These include working conditions and job security. When these factors are unfavorable, job dissatisfaction may result. Significantly, though, just fulfilling these needs does not result in satisfaction, but only in the reduction of dissatisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008).

    Herzberg (1966) 提出,人們有兩大類需求,第一類是與工作環境有關的外在激勵因素,而不是工作本身。這些因素包括工作條件和工作保障。當這些因素是不利的,就會導致工作不滿意。但重要的是,僅僅滿足這些需求並不會導致滿意,而只是減少不滿意 (Maroudas等人,2008) 。

  10. 內在激勵因素

    Employees also have intrinsic motivation needs or motivators, which include such factors as achievement and recognition. Unlike extrinsic factors, motivator factors may ideally result in job satisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008). Herzberg’s (1966) theory discusses the need for a ‘balance’ of these two types of needs.

    員工也有內在的激勵需求或激勵因素,包括諸如成就和認可等因素。與外在因素不同,激勵因素在理想情況下可能會產生工作滿意度 (Maroudas等人,2008) 。Herzberg (1966) 的理論討論了這兩類需求的「平衡」需要。

  11. 樂趣扮演的角色

    The impact of fun as a motivating factor at work has also been explored. For example, Tews, Michel and Stafford (2013) conducted a study focusing on staff from a chain of themed restaurants in the United States. It was found that fun activities had a favorable impact on performance and manager support for fun had a favorable impact in reducing turnover. Their findings support the view that fun may indeed have a beneficial effect, but the framing of that fun must be carefully aligned with both organizational goals and employee characteristics. ‘Managers must learn how to achieve the delicate balance of allowing employees the freedom to enjoy themselves at work while simultaneously high levels of performance’ (Tews et al., 2013).

    樂趣作為一種激勵因素在工作中的影響也得到了探討。例如,Tews、Michel 和 Stafford (2013) 對美國一家連鎖主題餐廳的員工進行了一項研究。研究發現,趣味活動對績效有有利的影響,經理對趣味的支持對減少人員流失有有利的影響。他們的研究結果支持這樣的觀點,即樂趣可能確實有好處,但這種樂趣的框架必須謹慎地與組織目標和員工特徵相一致。「管理者必須學會如何實現微妙的平衡,讓員工在工作中自由自在地享受,同時又有高水準的表現」 (Tews等人,2013) 。

  12. 組織層面的管理活動

    Deery (2008) has recommended several actions that can be adopted at the organizational level to retain good staff as well as assist in balancing work and family life. Those particularly appropriate to the hospitality industry include allowing adequate breaks during the working day, staff functions that involve families, and providing health and well-being opportunities.

    Deery (2008) 推薦了一些可以在組織層面採取的行動,以保留優秀的員工,並協助平衡工作和家庭生活。這些行動特別適合酒店業,包括在工作期間允許足夠的休息時間,有家庭參與的員工活動,以及提供健康和幸福的機會。


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