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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (7)—Roatán, Honduras


宏都拉斯羅阿坦以其全球第二的大堡礁、原住民文化、地方美食入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





課程說明請點選下列按鈕,並歡迎預約試聽 (實體、雲端)。

2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Roatán, Honduras 羅阿坦,宏都拉斯

A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras.
(附圖說明:A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras. 宏都拉斯羅阿坦的科奇諾斯島景觀。)


    Surrounded by the aquamarine waves of the world’s second largest barrier reef, Roatán, located off the coast of Honduras, has attracted backpackers and nature lovers for decades, but new luxury properties are transforming the island’s rustic appeal. This summer, Kimpton Grand Roatan Resort & Spa will unveil a five-star resort—complete with a rooftop bar and pool, and a spa featuring treatments rooted in Indigenous traditions—overlooking West Bay Beach.



    Elsewhere on the island, Azul, a new gourmet restaurant at the Blue Roatan Resort helmed by local chef Ramon Orozco, is responsible for some of the best meals here. Conch carpaccio and lobster with coconut and manchego cheese are served in a lush outdoor garden area where you’re likely to glimpse macaws flying through the trees.

    在島上的其他地方,藍色羅阿坦度假村的新美食餐廳 Azul,由當地廚師 Ramon Orozco 掌勺,負責提供這裡最好的一些飯菜。海螺肉片和龍蝦配椰子和曼徹格乳酪都是在一個鬱鬱蔥蔥的戶外花園裡供應的,在那裡你很可能瞥見金剛鸚鵡在樹上飛翔。


    On the northeast tip of Roatán, the sleepy town of Punta Gorda boasts the title of the oldest permanent settlement on the island. Settled by the Afro-Indigenous Garifuna in the 18th century, the town showcases Garifuna dance, music, and food at weekly street parties.

    在羅阿坦島的東北端,沉睡的蓬塔戈爾達 (Punta Gorda) 鎮擁有該島最古老的永久定居點的稱號。該鎮由非洲裔土著加里富納人在 18 世紀定居,在每週的街頭派對上展示加里富納人的舞蹈、音樂和食物。


    About 20 miles off the coast of Roatán, the Cayos Cochinos archipelago, a marine preserve and UNESCO World Heritage Site, is also set to launch new upscale eco cabins this spring. Hop a 45-minute ferry from Roatán and you’ll land on the isolated paradise of Cayos Cochinos. Brimming with surreal beauty, the island boasts 800 acres of protected land and 110 species of coral in its crystalline waters. The pearly sand beaches are home to hawksbill sea turtles as well as the pink Cochino Cays boa.

    距離羅阿坦海岸約 20 英里的科奇諾斯島 (Cayos Cochinos) 群島是一個海洋保護區和聯合國教科文組織的世界遺產,也將在今年春天推出新的高檔生態小屋。從羅阿坦搭乘 45 分鐘的渡輪,你就會登上與世隔絕的科奇諾島的天堂。該島充滿了超現實的美感,擁有 800 英畝的受保護土地,晶瑩的海水中有 110 種珊瑚。珍珠般的沙灘是鷹嘴海龜和粉紅色科奇諾群島蟒蛇的家園。

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