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2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點 (12)—Sylt, Germany


德國的敘爾特島以其綿延潔淨沙灘、養生度假村與米其林美食入選 2023《時代雜誌》全球 50 最佳景點。





課程說明請點選下列按鈕,並歡迎預約試聽 (實體、雲端)。

2023 年,旅遊業擺脫疫情帶來的蕭條,如火如荼地回歸,但在旅行方式和地點方面卻發生了明顯的變化。比以往更高的旅遊成本以及對永續性和體驗當地道地經驗的需求正在重塑旅遊景觀。在出發之前,歡迎與《時代雜誌》一同探索 2023 全球 50 個最令人激賞的景點。



Sylt, Germany 敘爾特島,德國

A view of Cayos Cochinos Archipelago, Roatan, Honduras.
(附圖說明:Beach in Kampen, Sylt, Germany. 德國敘爾特島的 Kampen 海灘。)


    The Fresian island of Sylt, a narrow slip of prime beachfront between the North and Wadden seas, first formed 800 years ago, but the scenic destination proffering luxe getaways only recently received the label the Hamptons of Hamburg. Still, Sylt is much more than a beach town. These days, those arriving by train, plane, and ferry, are increasingly focused on preserving the shoreline.

    弗雷西亞的敘爾特島是北海和瓦登海之間的一片狹長的優質海濱,最早形成於 800 年前,但這個提供豪華度假的風景優美目的地直到最近才被貼上「漢堡的漢普頓」的標籤。不過,敘爾特不僅僅是一個海濱城市。這些天來,那些乘坐火車、飛機和渡輪抵達的人,越來越關注保護海岸線的問題。


    It’s easy to explore Sylt’s central villages on foot or by electric bicycle. Refresh your wardrobe at Outback, the island’s oldest concept shop, which curates modern looks from international designers, in Westerland. And don’t leave without sampling Royal Sylter oysters under the thatched roof at Tipken’s by famed German chef Nils Henkel, which just debuted this March at Severin’s Resort & Spa in Keitum. New resorts, like the futuristic health spa Lanserhof Sylt, operate in harmony with the environment, tucking the latest medical technology under low thatched roofs that dot the landscape and mud flats that contain a delicate and diverse ecosystem of peacock butterflies and porpoises, whose home is now protected as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Guests at Lanserhof restore their bodies—fueled by the resort’s tea and broth program—with cutting-edge cell-regeneration therapies and more traditional saunas. If it’s a minibar and gourmet cuisine you’re after, you’ll be better suited at Sol’ring Hof Hotel, where the island’s only two-Michelin-starred restaurant will reopen in April following renovations.

    徒步或騎電動自行車很容易探索敘爾特的中央村落。在韋斯特蘭的Outback,這是島上最古老的概念店,藉由國際設計師規劃現代造型,讓你的衣櫥煥然一新。在著名的德國廚師尼爾斯.亨克爾 (Nils Henkel) 開設的蒂普肯 (Tipken's) 餐廳,在茅草屋頂下品嘗皇家敘爾特 (Sylter) 牡蠣之前,千萬不要離開,該餐廳今年三月剛剛在凱圖姆 (Keitum) 的塞弗林度假村 (Severin's Resort & Spa) 首次亮相。新的度假村,如 未來主義的健康水療中心 Lanserhof Sylt,與環境和諧相處,將最新的醫療技術藏在低矮的茅草屋下,這些茅草屋點綴著景觀和泥灘,其中有一個由孔雀蝴蝶和江豚組成的精緻而多樣的生態系統,它們的家園現在被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產保護。Lanserhof 酒店的客人在度假村的茶和肉湯組合的協助下,透過最先進的細胞再生療法和較傳統的桑拿浴來恢復他們的身體。如果你追求的是迷你酒吧和美食,那麼你會更適合去 索爾環湖酒店,那裡有島上唯一的米其林二星餐廳,在翻新後將於四月重新開業。


    The 25 miles of beaches, dotted with the island’s signature wind-guarded blue-and-white-striped wicker beach chairs, are a draw, but for a crowd-free experience, private reserves like the west coast’s Hundstrand Rotes Kliff beach, and the Ellenbogen, an elbow of protected shoreline near the Danish border that forms the island’s northern peninsula, charge small fees (around $5) that are spent to help prevent beach erosion. But it’s not just out-of-pocket costs that will preserve Sylt for the next generation; guests are also encouraged to shake out the sand from their shoes before they leave.

    25 英里長的海灘上,點綴著島上標誌性的防風藍白條紋的柳條沙灘椅,這些都是吸引人的地方,但要想體驗遠離人群的經驗,可以去私人保護區,比如西海岸的洪德斯特蘭(Hundstrand Rotes Kliff)海灘,以及 埃倫博根Ellenbogen),這是靠近丹麥邊境的一彎受保護的海岸線,構成了該島的北部半島,收取少量費用(約 5 美元),用來幫助防止海灘侵蝕。但是,為下一代保護敘爾特的不僅僅是實付費用,我們還鼓勵客人在離開之前把鞋子上的沙子抖掉。

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