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Thinking Big: Yuja Wang 王羽佳

Thinking Big: Yuja Wang 王羽佳
聽王羽佳的演奏,與看王羽佳演奏間的落差之大,沒有親耳聽過、親眼看過的人是很難想像的。2016 年王羽佳隨同舊金山交響樂團來台演出,一票難求。International Piano 雜誌 2017 年 3/4 月號,就以王羽佳為封面人物。 這篇專訪標題是 Thinking Big 「人小心不小」。挑出一小段拿來當作寫作舉例材料,跳脫窠臼,非常好用。

International Piano 封面故事的開頭是這麼寫的:

Thinking Big 人小心不小

She may be tiny in stature and on stage her slinky dresses are clearly meant to thrill. Once at the keyboard, however, the 30-year-old Chinese pianist Yuja Wang cuts a seriously commanding figure who tackles the most challenging repertoire with fearless self-confidence and profound artistry. Wang is a sensational young player who seems to defy expectations at every turn.


要是用通俗點的話來說王羽佳,就是色藝雙全。2007年,當她 19 歲,還在寇蒂斯音樂院 (Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia) 就讀時,幫「一代女皇」阿根廷鋼琴家 Martha Argerich 代打,一戰成名,從此音樂會邀約不斷。但是她在演奏會上的服裝,一直都是爭議焦點。洛杉磯時報樂評家 Mark Swed 曾在 2011 年就王羽佳演奏拉赫曼尼諾夫的第三號鋼琴協奏曲 (Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto) 時的穿著說,要是裙子再短一點,就要 18 禁了。

International Piano 的封面故事並沒有網路連結,所以推薦大家看 2016 年 9 月 5 日出刊的《紐約客雜誌》(New Yorker) 中由作家 Janet Malcolm 所寫的 7000 字專文 “Performance Artist.”


Performance Artist 表演藝術家
  • What is one to think of the clothes the twenty-nine-year-old pianist Yuja Wang wears when she performs—extremely short and tight dresses that ride up as she plays, so that she has to tug at them when she has a free hand, or clinging backless gowns that give an impression of near-nakedness (accompanied in all cases by four-inch-high stiletto heels)? In 2011, Mark Swed, the music critic of the L.A. Times, referring to the short and tight orange dress Yuja wore when she played Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto at the Hollywood Bowl, wrote that “had there been any less of it, the Bowl might have been forced to restrict admission to any music lover under 18 not accompanied by an adult.” [Mark Swed 說的 18 禁那句話在這兒] Two years later, the New Criterion critic Jay Nordlinger characterized the “shorter-than-short red dress, barely covering her rear,” that Yuja wore for a Carnegie Hall recital as “stripper-wear.” [Jay Nordlinger 更誇張,說那件短得不能再短的紅色洋裝連屁股都差點包不住]  Never has the relationship between what we see at a concert and what we hear come under such perplexing scrutiny. [這句是倒裝句,寫作可以學學] Is the seeing part a distraction (Glenn Gould thought it was) or is it—can it be—a heightening of the musical experience?
  • During the intermission of a recital at Carnegie Hall in May, Yuja changed from the relatively conventional long gold sequinned gown she had worn for the first half, two Brahms Ballades and Schumann’s “Kreisleriana,” into something more characteristically outré. For the second half, Beethoven’s extremely long and difficult Sonata No. 29 in B-Flat, known as the “Hammerklavier,” she wore a dress that was neither short nor long but both: a dark-blue-green number, also sequinned, with a long train on one side—the side not facing the audience—and nothing on the other, so that her right thigh and leg were completely exposed.

《紐約客雜誌》(New Yorker) 這篇文章很長,挑戰一下。

下面這段 Youtube 上的影片,是王羽佳 2016 年演奏的精選合輯。琴聲有時婉轉悠揚、有時慷慨激昂,畫面當然是夠誠意。

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